Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Hitchcocks Notorious in the Company of Antonio Damasio essays
Hitchcocks Notorious in the Company of Antonio Damasio essays Alfred Hitchcocks Notorious is an amazing film with an extreme depth of field. The film goes very fast, like an express train, or a feverish dream. It emphasizes expressive and poetic theory as opposed to formulaic and plodding. Notorious becomes essentially abstract, like an outline of things much deeper, more secretive, and unspoken. This film is one of great emotion. One goes from the highs and lows, and then from ecstasy to tragedy and back again. Antonio R. Damasio wrote the article entitled Descartes Error and the Future of Human Life. Contained within this article Damasio offers a superb realization of the power of emotion. Through this emotion he elucidates a poetic intelligence in film that lights up the screen and creates one of the greatest movies of all time. Notorious setting is a result of the confused politics and morality, both personal and collective of the immediate post- World War II period in America. At the start of the film, Alicia, the leading lady, has just been confronted with the facts of her fathers war crimes of treason in collaboration with the Nazis. This father is carted off to jail, and a government agent, Devlin, starts tailing Alicia, the daughter. Alicia is infamous for committing a misdemeanor like a harlot. She throws herself, over and over, against the rocky reefs of Devlin. She is a modern, post-war woman. Alicia is a hostess, and flirts with the fantasy of domesticity, and of being a wife: Marriage must be wonderful, she says, With this sort of thing going on every day. She wants to believe all that, but maybe shes not so sure. She needs the proof of love, commitment and trust from Devlin, if shes really going to have to give up being promiscuous. But at the same time, shes driven towards the flame of love. Alex is a very interesting character who was developed as deceitful an...
Friday, November 22, 2019
In the Words of Frank Lloyd Wright
In the Words of Frank Lloyd Wright American architect Frank Lloyd Wright was known for his Prairie Style house designs, his tempestuous person life, and his prolific writings, including speeches and magazine articles. His long life (91 years) gave him time to fill volumes. Here are some of Frank Lloyd Wrights most notable quotations- and our favorites: On Simplicity In contrast to his tumultuous personal life, Wright spent his architectural life expressing beauty through simple, natural forms and designs. How does an architect create beautiful yet functional forms? Five lines where three are enough is always stupidity. Nine pounds where three are sufficient is obesity....To know what to leave out and what to put in, just where and just how, ah, that is to have been educated in knowledge of simplicity- toward ultimate freedom of expression.The Natural House, 1954 Form and function are one. Some Aspects of the Future of Architecture (1937), The Future of Architecture, 1953 Simplicity and repose are qualities that measure the true value of any work of art....An excessive love of detail has ruined more fine things from the standpoint of fine art or fine living than any one human shortcoming; it is hopelessly vulgar. In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) Organic Architecture Before there was Earth Day and LEED certification, Wright promoted an ecology and naturalness in architectural design. The home should not be on a plot of land but be of the land- an organic part of the environment. Much of Wrights writings describes the philosophy of organic architecture: ...it is in the nature of any organic building to grow from its site, come out of the ground into the light- the ground itself held always as a component basic part of the building itself. The Natural House (1954) A building should appear to grow easily from its site and be shaped to harmonize with its surroundings if nature is manifest there, and if not try to make it as quiet, substantial, and organic as she would have been were the opportunity hers. In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) Where does the garden leave off and the house begin? The Natural House, 1954 This Architecture we call organic is an architecture upon which true American society will eventually be based if we survive at all. The Natural House, 1954 True architecture...is poetry. A good building is the greatest of poems when it is organic architecture. An Organic Architecture, The London Lectures (1939), The Future of Architecture So here I stand before you preaching organic architecture: declaring organic architecture to be the modern ideal... An Organic Architecture, The London Lectures (1939), The Future of Architecture Nature and Natural Forms Some of the most famous architects were born in June, including Wright, born in Wisconsin on June 8, 1867. His youth on the prairie lands of Wisconsin, especially the times he spent on his uncles farm, shaped the way this future architect incorporated natural elements into his designs: Nature is the great teacher- man can only receive and respond to her teaching. The Natural House, 1954 The land is the simplest form of architecture. Some Aspects of the Past and Present in Architecture (1937), The Future of Architecture, 1953 The prairie has a beauty of its own.... In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) Primarily, nature furnished the materials for architectural motifs...her wealth of suggestion is inexhaustible; her riches greater than any mans desire. In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) ...go to the woods and fields for color schemes. In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) I have never been fond of paints or of wallpaper or anything which must be applied to other things as a surface....Wood is wood, concrete is concrete, stone is stone. The Natural House (1954) The Nature of Man Frank Lloyd Wright had a way of seeing the world as one whole, not differentiating between the living, breathing home or of the human being. Human houses should not be like boxes, he lectured in 1930. Wright continued: Any house is a far too complicated , clumsy, fussy, mechanical counterfeit of the human body. Electric wiring for nervous system, plumbing for bowels, heating system and fireplaces for arteries and heart, and windows for eyes, nose, and lungs generally. The Cardboard House, the Princeton Lectures, 1930, The Future of Architecture What a man does- that he has. The Natural House, 1954 A house that has character stands a good chance of growing more valuable as it grows older...Buildings like people must first be sincere, must be true.... In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) Plaster houses were then new. Casement windows were new....Nearly everything was new but the law of gravity and the idiosyncrasy of the client. The Natural House, 1954 On Style Although realtors and developers have embraced the Prairie style home, Wright designed each home for the land it was on and the people who would occupy it. He said: There should be as many kinds (styles) of houses as there are kinds (styles) of people and as many differentiations as there are different individuals. A man who has individuality (and what man lacks it?) has a right to its expression in his own environment. In the Cause of Architecture I (1908) Style is a byproduct of the process....To adopt a style as a motive is to put the cart before the horse.... In the Cause of Architecture II (1914) On Architecture As an architect, Frank Lloyd Wright never wavered in his beliefs about architecture and the use of space inside and out. Homes as different as Fallingwater and Taliesin have the same natural, organic elements he learned about as a boy in Wisconsin. ...every house...should begin on the ground, not in it.... The Natural House (1954) Form follows function is mere dogma until you realize the higher truth that form and function are one. The Natural House (1954) The house of moderate cost is not only Americas major architectural problem but the problem most difficult for her major architects. The Natural House (1954) Had steel, concrete, and glass existed in the ancient order we could have had nothing like our ponderous, senseless classic architecture. The Natural House, 1954 ...architecture is life; or at least it is life itself taking form and therefore it is the truest record of life as it was lived in the world yesterday, as it is lived today or ever will be lived. So architecture I know to be a Great Spirit. The Future: Valedictory (1939) What is needed most in architecture today is the very thing that is most needed in life- integrity. The Natural House (1954) ...architectural values are human values, or they are not valuable....Human values are life giving, not life taking. The Disappearing City (1932) Advice To The Young Architect From the Chicago Art Institute Lecture (1931), The Future of Architecture The influences of the old master, architect Louis Sullivan, stayed with Wright all of his life, even as Wright was more famous and became the master himself. Think simples, as my old master used to say- meaning to reduce the whole to its parts in simplest terms, getting back to first principles. Take time to prepare....Then go as far away as possible from home to build your first buildings. The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his clients to plant vines. ...form the habit of thinking why....get the habit of analysis.... Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral. The size of the project means little in art, beyond the money matter. So, architecture speaks as poetry to the soul. In this machine age to utter this poetry that is architecture, as in all other ages, you must learn the organic language of the natural which is ever the language of the new. Every great architect is- necessarily- a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age. An Organic Architecture, The London Lectures (1939), The Future of Architecture Quotations Popularly Attributed to Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright quotes are as abundant as the number of buildings he completed. Many quotations have been repeated so many time, its difficult to accurately source when they were said, or, even, if they are accurate quotes from Wright himself. Here are some that often appear in collections of quotations: I hate intellectuals. They are from the top down. I am from the bottom up. TV is chewing gum for the eyes. Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance and have seen no occasion to change. The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. The truth is more important than the facts. Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances. An idea is salvation by imagination. Get the habit of analysis- analysis will in time enable synthesis to become your habit of mind. I feel coming on a strange disease- humility. If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger. The scientist has marched in and taken the place of the poet. But one day somebody will find the solution to the problems of the world and remember, it will be a poet, not a scientist. No stream rises higher than its source. What ever man might build could never express or reflect more than he was. He could record neither more nor less than he had learned of life when the buildings were built. The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life. The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope. I find it hard to believe that the machine would go into the creative artists hand even were that magic hand in true place. It has been too far exploited by industrialism and science at expense to art and true religion. The screech and mechanical uproar of the big city turns the citified head, fills citified ears- as the song of birds, wind in the trees, animal cries, or as the voices and songs of his loved ones once filled his heart. He is sidewalk-happy. Note: Frank Lloyd Wright ® and Taliesin ® are registered trademarks of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business decision making - Essay Example The study will also put into consideration the sales value of the organization and factors affecting sales by use of graphs. In addition, measure of performance of the organization will be of much concern and various methods will be used. Some of those methods include; mean, mode, median, standard deviation, Variance, correlation coefficient, rage and Net present value methods. 1.1) Primary data usually gives firsthand information about the target market. When coming up with a plan for the following should be considered; research method, contact methods, sampling plan and research techniques and instruments. These methods of collecting data differ from those of secondary methods. In primary research a clear plan of contacting people who will participate will be decided on. This may include the use of phone interviews online surveys and other mediums to find out customer preferences from prospect customers. The sampling plan will involve taking into consideration the size of the sample to be used. The research instruments will involve the use of questionnaires (Boswell, Boswell, and Cannon, 2014). The use of secondary data will involve using data that has been already documented. These data may be useful because a comparison of similar organization in the industry may be used in forecasting sales (Kothari, 2005). Collecting primary data has advantages over secondary data because they are fresh, precise and are related to the issue of concern. Secondary data may be outdated thus may give wrong projections, may contain errors, may not be easily accessible and might be of low quality (Mooi, and Sarstedt, 2011). 1.2) The sampling frame refers to the target group which researchers can use to make selections. It contains a comprehensive and updated list of the members of the population involved in the research. There are various methods which can be used for sampling. They can be classified into two main categories which includes
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Landmarks in Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Landmarks in Music - Essay Example Music is an expressive type of art form, which can be used to express our emotions, talents and our imagination. Music has evolved over time to its current modern day renditions, but if we are to select the most important pieces, to place in a time capsule, then I would have to select music from the baroque and classical periods. Music from Baroque and Classic periods forms a basis in a critical part of our history when we began to view music in a different light. During these periods, music became more of an art form, than just passive entertainment. Here are the 6 most important songs from the both periods and why they qualify to be put in the time capsule. Baroque music was composed with the intention of arousing the emotions of listeners. This era of music lasted for 150 years, between the years 1600-1750 (Schulenbert, 2001). This stage of musical development saw the emergence of non-religious vocal music, orchestral music and operas. Composers from this period, often faced many financial challenges, and most of them could only earn a living from music if they were under the patronage of a religious institution or a political figure. This patronage would then dictate the content of their compositions, but none the less composers were still able to come up with very memorable and time honored compositions. Baroque period compositions can be broken down into two distinct groups: vocal (opera, oratorio and cantata) and instrumental (sonata, concerto and suite). My pick for the most influential songs from the baroque period are: The Four Seasons: Spring url: http://www.rhapsody.com/artist/sofia-chamber-orchestra/album/antonio-vivaldi-the- four-seasons By: Antonio Vivaldi Four Seasons, as a whole, is often considered the boldest or bravest of program music from the Baroque era. Each concerto is comprised of three distinct movements; one middle movement in a slow tempo and too fast outer movements. Antonio Vivaldi wrote the sonnets, to denote the movements of the four seasons (Schulenbert, 2001). It is also has a great influence in the era as early concertos did not have a standard form, but the success of Vivaldi’s â€Å"Four Seasons†led other composers to mimic his style over time, which led a standard form used to play concertos. Of the four movements, winter is the most technically complicated and also more accurate in depicting nature like imitations of nature, the very inspiration of the sound. It is also very solid even if you break it down into several parts. Each part is creates its own dissonance that may be adapted and reinterpreted as a separate sound. Messiah: The Overture url: http://www.rh apsody.com/artist/george-frideric-handel/album/handels-messiah by: Handel This oratorio was originally intended as a thought provoking work for eastern and lent, but due to its popularity, later became a common part of Christmas festivities that has lasted over many generations. George Frederic Handel, a German born composer, was gifted in playing music from an early age. Handel’s â€Å"Messiah†employs a unique technique dubbed text painting. This technique tries to mimic the lines of the text, to the musical notes (Schulenbert, 2001). â€Å"Messiah†is broken down into three parts, which follows the meaning of the text while still maintaining its opera-like qualities. Handel’s â€Å"Messiah†helped to popularize the oratorio; a musical form that highlighted the performance of solo artists. The Overtures one of only two movements that is purely instrumental. By Handel’s time, the overture was a common, if not standard opening, of an opera a nd was actually meant to welcome the king in an opera. Handel, however, made this one considerably darker by playing it in E minor. It helped assist in the desperate need of the world for a Messiah. Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No. 1 url: http://www.rhapsody.com/search?query=Six+Suites+of+Unaccompanied+Cello by: Johann Sebastian Bach These suites were based on a set of instrumental compositions, which were similar
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Yahoo Versus Survivors of the Holocaust Essay Example for Free
Yahoo Versus Survivors of the Holocaust Essay The case Yahoo versus Survivors of the Holocaust is based on a lawsuit that was made by a group of French Nazi concentration camp survivors against the website yahoo.com for the auction of Nazi materials and other hate related contents. The Holocaust survivors sued the company in a French court after the US based Yahoo Company refused to respond to the warnings block access to neo-Nazi contents on its US based servers. The case was targeted towards accusing CEO of Yahoo Timothy Koogle as responsible for the controversial auctioning of Nazi artifacts on the Yahoo website and if he is found guilty he faces potential incarceration in France. The case also provides information on the dot.com crash which had a negative impact on Yahoo’s performance which experienced serious decline alongside other companies in the advertising budget. In April 2001, Yahoo suffered a 42% decline in advertising revenue which led to mass exodus of the company’s leading staff and threatened to replace Koogle. The case also point out that Yahoo France which was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of Yahoo International shares similar organizational structure, same look, and tailored its contents according to local tastes. It is therefore, a shared system whereby information that comes up on the company’s US site also shows up on the French site. Thus, there was a challenge in creating a global brand that is able to adapt to suit local tastes. In this case, the challenge of a shared website has led to a lawsuit which was put together in April 2000. La Ligue Contre le Racisme et l’Antisemitisme (LICRA) and the French Jewish Students filed a lawsuit against the US based company Yahoo, for posting Nazi-era contents for sale on the company’s auction site. Yahoo responded to the lawsuit by countersuing LICRA with the US District court for violating of constitutional rights of free speech in the US. Analyze the opportunities and threats of Yahoo establishing subsidiaries in foreign countries which maintain majority ownership. Yahoo International has developed subsidiaries that are suitable for the company image as a major MNC working in Information Technology (IT). The company is establishing subsidiaries in foreign countries around the world so that they can maintain majority ownership. For instance, in Yahoo France, the contents are tailored to fit local culture through specific contents such as sports categories focused on Tour de France, world cup soccer and the French Decathlon; while in the UK these categories focused on rugby, cricket, and equestrian events. Yahoo subsidiaries also enjoy the opportunities of majority ownership which allows the MNC to benefit from IT advancement and ease of transportation which makes it easier for the home and host country to have an effective international business. An example of the expected experience of Yahoo subsidiaries right to maintain majority ownership is similar to MTV network International, the music channel operation that reaches 1 billion people in 18 different languages and 164 countries; MTV management assures host countries that they are not in the business of exporting American culture, they point out their policy of 70% local content (Fatehi, 2008). Like MTV Network International, Yahoo International is advance in that it has developed 24 international sites in 13 languages, in each of its international markets Yahoo built independent directories of local language websites and other contents. The company yahoo is able to benefit this way by attracting 40% users from foreign countries. Nonetheless, the threats of having Yahoo in foreign subsidiaries which maintain majority ownership is that they risk having problems of hosting contents that are not culturally acceptable such as in the case of the Nazi artifacts showing up on the company’s French website and thereby signaling dispute due to local culture. The French representatives, primarily LICRA finds Yahoo as supporting unlawful act of hosting Nazi and other hateful contents which is against the Nazi Symbols Act. The symbols associated with Hitler’s Nazis are attractive to bigots on the Web because they suggest anti-Semitism in an immediate, forceful way to the general public (Poisoning the Web, n.d.). Based on the conflict in thoughts between the US based company and their French subsidiary, there are risks that are involved in providing foreign subsidiaries or their communities’ with the authority to accuse the company’s actions. According to the claim of Yahoo their intentions appear innocent. Thus, Yahoo is able to take a stance to protect their Freedom of Speech so that they do not experience continued accusation associated with hateful contents. Yahoo calls for protection of the First Amendment of the US Constitution which includes the most basic component of freedom of expression, the right of freedom of speech, the right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government (First Amendment, 2010). The information on the First Amendment of the US Constitution is important for Yahoo to use in defense of the risks that they could experience from their accusers who have consider them as disobeying th e Anti-Nazi Act and French laws that prohibited the display of Nazi contents and other hateful material. Analyze Yahoo’s social responsibility from a stakeholder perspective Yahoo’s social responsibility in this case will have a negative effect on the stakeholder perspective and their capacity for prosperity due to the conflict laid out in the lawsuits by Yahoo and LICRA. Yahoo is responsible for providing social responsibility to their customers, by providing safe products at reasonable costs. However, Yahoo was accused of showing auctions of Nazi contents on the companys U.S.-based Website which was accessible by French users and thus Yahoo was condemned by French Holocaust survivors. Yahoo’s social responsibility is also negative due to its acts that are found by LICRA as disobeying local laws and customs. Yahoo made progress in a countersuit against LICRA which accused that the French’s decision was in violation of the Communication, Decency Act, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yahoo’s countersuits provide stakeholders with confidence in the organizations ability to overcome the constraints of the lawsuit. Yahoo’s stance in taking on a countersuit is a strong defense which creates opportunity to regain respect for the company and their stakeholders without acknowledging a prejudice intent or reference to Nazi auctions. Take a position on whether Yahoo acted in a manner that was ethically and socially responsible. In the case Yahoo versus survivors of the holocaust who is particularly Jewish students, the company did not meet the high expectancy level of ethical and social responsible standards. This is due to the auction of materials that are intolerant. The web displays of Nazi contents and other hateful materials which were found on Yahoo website are unethical and unlawful. MNCs are responsible to act in a social responsible way; this includes operating within a certain parameter. There is thus a demand for the company to react quickly toward such contents of hate so that they will protect the company’s image and mission without experiencing accusation. Neo-Nazis use the Web to market merchandise, selling items emblazoned with the instantly recognizable symbols of Hitler’s Nazi party†¦ Like the T-shirt a music fan might buy at a rock concert, one shirt reads Adolf Hitler European Tour 1939 1945(Poisoning the Web, n.d.). Based on such negative intents, Yahoo is obliged to take serious future steps to isolate neo-Nazi contents from the website to protect the company’s image and promote social responsibility and ethics by condemning those that misuse the web to spread hate. Besides excluding Nazi-era memorabilia from the company’s French-language portal, formulate two additional business strategies to address the issues faced by Yahoo as well as the risks associated with implementing those strategies. Besides excluding Nazi era memorabilia from the company’s French language portal, it is important that Yahoo applies additional business strategies to address the issues faced by the company. One strategy that could benefit the organization is the Strategic planning which is the alignment of organizational capabilities with anticipated environmental changes in the pursuit of goal attainment (Fatehi, 2008). This strategy is important because it will provide Yahoo with the understanding of their environment and the forces that are likely to determine how they secure resources and achieve goals. However, there is a downside to this strategy and it is the risks involved in planning strategy which is somehow limited to the extent of difficulties that can occur as Yahoo expands globally. The multiplicity of cultural, sociopolitical, legal, and economic environments creates quantitative and qualitative difficulties (Fatehi, 2008). The problems that are likely to arise from Yahoo’s internationalization are risky and there is a chance that the firm will experience additional complexity that is outside of their strategic planning due to new problems can be a burden to the MNC. Cultural aspects of strategy are important strategies and will be the second business strategy that will address Yahoo’s problems in their foreign markets. This strategy is important because culture plays a vital role in controlling MNCs to better support them in achieving their goals (Fatehi, 2008). In most business situations individuals are expected to apply self control and abide by culture norms. Cultural aspect of strategy is an important influence in determining the firm’s role in globalization and controlling its foreign operations. The risks of applying culture aspects of strategy is that the cultural difference are vast and vary in concept. Thus, there is a demand for Yahoo to meet cultural differences particularly by understanding the thoughts of foreign cultures. Without understanding the mentality and beliefs of a certain culture where they operate, Yahoo is likely to reencounter difficulties similar to the Nazi artifacts auction. Thus, the risk of cultural aspects of strategy will develop difficulties due to complications from various cultural differences which should be control in order to promote the company’s international objectives. Predict the consequences had Yahoo complied with LICRA’s initial demands. There would have been limited consequences for Yahoo if they had complied with LICRA’s initial demands to remove Nazi contents from their website. Instead, Yahoo initially responded that they had complied with French law on this issue and that there website did have a display or auction of hateful contents or Nazi materials. The case was initially made by LICRA charging Yahoo with illegally hosting auctions of Nazism, thereafter, the French court gave Yahoo a warning to block French residents from viewing Nazi auction or face fines. Yahoo adhering to LICRA would have violated their constitutional rights to protect free speech in the US Constitution. Thus, Yahoo would risk having to address serious issues from their home country about freedom of press which is linked to freedom of speech in the US constitution. The right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech; it allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination; it is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression; and it does not afford members of the media any special rights or privileges not afforded to citizens in general (First Amendment, 2010). Yahoo faces the possibility of running into further problems from their users who could use the First Amendment as a bargain power to use the website without compromising their constitutional rights. It is however a limited consequence if Yahoo is able to respond early to users or law enforcers on the contents display on their websites, this will avoid expenses for lawsuits and avoid challenges in securing revenues for stakeholders. References: 1. Fatehi, K. (2008). Managing internationally: Succeeding in a culturally diverse world (1st ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. 2. First Amendment (2010) Cornell Universitys Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 5/26/2012 from http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/First_amendment 3. Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online (n.d.) Neo-Nazis: Stormtroopers of the Web. Retrieved 5/26/2012 from http://www.adl.org/poisoning_web/neo_nazi.asp
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Schizophrenia: A Possible Etiology? Essay -- Mental Illness Health Ess
Schizophrenia: A Possible Etiology? As for me, you must know I shouldn’t precisely have chosen madness if there had been any choice. What consoles me is that I am beginning to consider madness as an illness like any other, and that I accept it as such. -in a letter to his brother Theo According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 20% of the US population may suffer from a diagnosable mental illness in any given six month period (1991). Obviously the issue of mental health warrants close scrutiny, as such illness can translate into lost work days and lost dollars. From a health care perspective, many of those suffering can be relieved of their symptoms and return to normal life, so to speak. Schizophrenia, however represents one of the more disabling illnesses whose prognosis for the patient looks poor. Affecting nearly two million Americans, "schizophrenia" probably represents a grouping of many types of resembling illnesses (NIMH, 1991). Typically, the patient exhibits prodromal signs such as social isolation and withdrawal, role impairment, eccentric behavior, decreased affect, and disregard for personal hygiene. These then generally give way to intermittent psychotic episodes with intervening, sometimes long negative symptom periods. The so called positive symptoms of schizophrenia include disordered thinking and memory; the patient may display incoherent speech and rapid shifting to unrelated ideas. Delusions and false or bizarre beliefs, hallucinations, and perceptual difficulties also comprise the symptomology. Schizophrenic persons usually have an absence of feeling, a sense of remoteness and inappropriate reactions. Even more difficult to treat (Kandel) are the negative signs of poverty ... ...orks Cited: Kandel, Eric R. Disorders of Thought: Schizophrenia. pp. 854-868. Krieckhaus, E. E., Donahoe, John W., Morgan, Maria A. Paranoid Schizophrenia May be Caused by Dopamine Hyperactivity of CA1 Hippocampus. Biological Psychiatry. Vol. 31, 1992: pp. 560--570. Nasralleh, Henry A. Neurodevelopmental Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. Vol. 16, no 2, June, 1993: pp. 271-279. National Institute of Mental Health. Caring for People With Severe Mental Disorders: A National Plan of Research to Improve Services. DHHS Pub. No. (ADM)91-1762. Washington, D.C.: Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1991. Wright, Padraig, Gill, Michael, Murray, Robin M. Schizophrenia: Genetics and the Maternal Immune Response to Viral Infection. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsvchiatric Genetics, Vol. 48, 1993: pp. 40-46.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Expository and Classification Paragraph Essay
Classification Paragraph – Classification paragraph is one of the seven types of paragraphs. It allows of defining ideas, their use and/or function through comparisons conducted on multiple levels. Consequently, classification paragraphs explore the meaning of things as compared to one another, and as positioned in related contexts. Classification paragraphs will use strong descriptive vocabulary which ought to visualize physical and conceptual differences between the subjects of writing. – Writing a classification paragraph, unlike other types of paragraphs, takes a slightly varied approach. It should rely on both defining and comparing. Writers should classify the subject of the paragraph in a specific context providing comparisons to corresponding ideas. Classification can be performed on multiple levels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" semantic (comparing different meanings of things), linguistic (using vocabulary to show contrast), and more. – Use a classification paragraph when you can sort a large idea or topic into at least two small sub-categories. For example, the topic of a paragraph could be the American Kennel Club non-sporting dogs. Three of the non-sporting dogs are Boston terriers, bulldogs, and Dalmations. Or, a topic could be watercrafts. The three categories could be ski boats, sailboats and personal watercrafts (jet skis). Elements of a Classification Paragraph Classification paragraphs contain the following elements: * Definition à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" term, idea, or an object presented in a classification paragraph is briefly defined by its own terms à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" that includes defining its origin, meaning, and function; * Comparison à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" classification paragraphs will, usually, define things by comparing and contrasting them, showing crucial functions and diverse use or meaning in analogical contexts; * Multiple contextualizations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" classification paragraphs will compare ideas in diverse contexts, so as to estimate specifically the potential of each of the described things in different situations; * Descriptive vocabulary à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" adverbs and adjectives should point to the contrast between two or more things (black vs. white, boring vs. interesting, etc. Expository Paragraph * A paragraph that gives information about a topic or steps to explain how to do something. * In an expository paragraph you give information. You explain a subject, give directions, or show how something happens. In expository writing, linking words like first, second, then, and finally are usually used to help readers follow the ideas (except for our purposes those words cannot be used). * This paragraph, like the others, organizes itself around three parts. A topic sentence allows the reader to understand what you are writing about. The middle part of the paragraph contains sentences that follow one another in a logical sequence of steps. The final sentence closes your subject with an emphasis on the final product or process desired by the topic.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Project on Time Series
Project 4 Fall 2012 1. Open the data file called JCrew on Blackboard under the Assignments link. 2. Get a 4 point Moving Average for the data using Time Series Analysis. 3. Highlight the Revenue column and the 4MA column. Insert /Line. 4. Go back to the data. Time Series Analysis/ Exponential Smoothing. Use alpha of . 7. 5. Highlight Revenue and Smoothed and Insert /Line. 6. Go back to the data. Time Series Analysis/ Trendline / pick Exp Ln. Check the Scatterplot and all boxes on the right side. 7. Finally, go back to the data and choose Time Series/ Deseasonalize. Questions: 1.Compare the 4 point moving average chart to the exponentially smoothed one. Which one shows the SECULAR trend better? Explain. The four point moving average shows the secular trend better because its values aren’t as volatile as they are in the exponentially smoothed model. 2. What is the forecasted revenue for JCrew in Quarter I of 2010 using Exponential Smoothing? 377. 388 in Q1 of 2010 Look at the Lo gged Model 3. What percent of the variation in Revenue is explained by Time? 84% of the variation is explained by time 4. By how much does Revenue change per quarter on average? Revenue changes by 4. % per quarter on average 5. Are there any outliers (suspicious or definite)? There is one outlier at time period 4, but it is only suspicious 6. Is Autocorrelation a problem? No because the Durbin-Watson is 2. 77 therefore reject fail to reject H0 H0: No residual correlation (p=0) H1: Positive residual correlation (p>1) 7. Does the data seem to fit the plot well? Explain. Yes it fits the plot well in general. There is one suspicious value that skews the plot. Look at the Deseasonalized Model 8. What is the secular trendline? y=10. 15x + 139. 39 9. How well does the model explain JCrew’s revenue? 94. 2% of the variation in Jcrew’s revenue is explained by the model 10. Which quarter is most prosperous for JCrew? 1st Quarter is the most prosperous for Jcrew with a seasonal in dex of . 898 11. Fill in the following table: |2010 |t |Predicted |SI |Forecast | |QI | 21 |352. 54 | . 898 | 316. 58 | |QII | 22 | 362. 69 | . 968 |351. 08 | |QIII | 23 | 372. 84 | . 938 | 349. 72 | |QIV | 24 | 382. 99 | 1. 196 | 458. 06 |
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Photo Essay Essays - Anthropology, Marriage, Wedding, Film
Photo Essay Essays - Anthropology, Marriage, Wedding, Film Photo Essay My aunt and uncles wedding was beyond amazing. Not just because my mother, her 7 brothers and sister. helped their baby brother with the wedding by catering for it. Not just because we were releived to say the least that my uncle was settleing down with a wife and not a hsuband. And defenitely not just because I get to have another weekend of cheating my diet. But because this wedding, this big event, brought our family and friends through all walks of life closer together, it made our bond as a family stronger. This event was obviously very important to all our family members. It even made our distant relative, uncle edu, attend. I was happy at the wedding because for me, it means we get to add another family in our clan of Manzanos. Plus this wedding gave me a chance to eat all my uncles best dishes, having a family full of professional chefs could be the main reason for my weight, it could be but it isnt. if making a bigger family tree is what it takes for my uncles to cook again then a big family we shall have.this wedding gave me another aunt whom I already love. And that thought alone will forever be stuck in my mind.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Words for Bodies of Lawmakers
Words for Bodies of Lawmakers Words for Bodies of Lawmakers Words for Bodies of Lawmakers By Mark Nichol This post discusses an assortment of words employed in English to refer to a group of people responsible for representing the general populace and passing laws, or to pertain to the room in which they meet to do so, or both. Assembly, from Anglo-French by way of the Latin term assimulare (â€Å"together†), is used in many states and nations to refer to a body of legislators, usually one of two in a bicameral, or two-house, system. It also refers in general to a gathering. Burgess was used in England’s Parliament and subsequently in some of the British colonies in North America to refer to legislators. It is related to burg and borough, which often form part of the name of a city or a district of one; the term basically means â€Å"citizen.†(When the term was widely used, any citizen of at least modestly prosperous standing conceivably could serve as a burgess.) The Latin origin, burgensis, mutated into the Old French word borjois, which then entered English as burgeis and was later spelled in its present form. Later, bourgeois, the Modern French form of borjois, was borrowed directly into English; it now collectively denotes people with conventional middle-class values. Chamber is from the Latin word for an arched roof, which is borrowed from a Greek term meaning â€Å"vault.†It can also apply to a meeting room for legislators or to a judge’s office or to a reception room for a person in a position of authority, or any room in general. (The root word of bicameral has the same origin, as does camera.) The word also applies to an artificial or natural enclosed space or cavity, such as a portion of a cavern, a section of a machine, or a segment of a heart. In addition, it describes a compartment for a bullet in a gun. The word can serve as an adjective, as in â€Å"chamber music,†or a verb describing the action of occupying a space. Congress, from the Latin term congredi, which literally means â€Å"walk together,†came to refer to a formal meeting of representatives from different places. Its current sense stems from the name of the Continental Congress, attended by delegates from each of the thirteen original (and distinct) British colonies in North America. When the fledgling US government subsequently named its bicameral legislative body, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives, Congress, the meaning shifted to refer to a body of representatives from the same country or state. (Congress is also employed, though rarely, in the sense of â€Å"a sexual union.†) Council, which derives from the Latin term concilium, which roughly means â€Å"call with,†refers to a group that makes decisions, rules, or laws or provide guidance. Formal lawmaking councils usually are limited in scope to jurisdictions such as cities or towns. Diet, ultimately from the Greek term diaita, meaning â€Å"regimen†or â€Å"way of life,†came to refer to daily rites or obligations and then daily meetings of counselors and officials, and it still is employed as part of the formal name for the national legislature in Japan. (The use of the word in reference to eating and nutrition has the same etymological source.) Legislature is an extension of legislator, itself directly stemming from the Latin phrase legis lator, meaning â€Å"one who proposes a law.†(Legis is the progenitor of legal.) The word is widely used generically to refer to a body of lawmakers and is frequently part of such a group’s formal name. The spelling of the Old French term parlement, meaning â€Å"a talk,†was altered, influenced by the Latin word parliamentum, to parliament to refer to a conference. A later sense of an assembly commanded by a monarch contributed to the naming of England’s Parliament, its national deliberative body. Parliamentarian originally referred to member of Parliament’s faction in the English Civil War, but in modern use it pertains to someone knowledgeable about parliamentary procedure, a protocol for conducting formal meetings. One term that didn’t survive into the modern era is witenagemot, a compound word referring to advisory groups consisting of members of the ruling class in various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the early Middle Ages. The first element is a plural form of wita, meaning â€Å"wise man,†and the second part of the word, gemot, means â€Å"meeting.†That word is related to moot, extinct as a noun and used rarely as a verb but present as an adjective in the idiomatic phrase â€Å"moot point.†Moot and the second syllable of gemot are related to meet, meeting, and met. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire YouWhat Is a Doctor?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Individual Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Individual Assignment - Essay Example According to Weitz (2012), the use of multiple retail channels enables the consumers to buy what they want, when they want and wherever they want. This strategy has provided great convenience to consumers in that they can enjoy shopping from the comfort of their homes. They can also do shopping whenever they want in an environment that promotes interaction with the retailers. The other advantage of multi channel retailing is that the customers can have access to a variety of products. The buying behaviour of the consumers is also influenced by different cultural factors. Basically, every consumer belongs to a specific culture and these cultural factors help the consumers make sense of and relate to the environment (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). It can be noted that specific behaviour are related to certain aspects of the culture. Thus, culture is comprised of a set of basic values, perceptions, work patterns as well as products and food customs among other factors. All these shape the behaviour of the customers. Therefore, it can be seen that the products offered in mainland Hong Kong are tailored in such a way that is meant to fulfill needs and interests of the targeted consumers. Given such a scenario, it can be observed that the mainland consumers are under no pressure to look further than their boundaries to purchase different products since they can get them from their own country. The products are also designed to attract new customers while at the same time r etaining the already existing buyers. Certain categories of products benefited most in the past and they include the following. For instance, the department stores sales dropped down to 5.3% y/y drop in December and this was a reversal of the +6.0% y/y growth that was witnessed in November. On the other hand, it can be observed that medicines and cosmetics growth slowed down to
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