Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Prayer for Owen Meany Essay -- essays research papers
A Prayer for Owen Meany In writing of critical standing, no demonstration of brutality is executed without reason. For a story to be genuine in the region of fine writing viciousness can't be utilized in a wanton way. In John Irving’s present day exemplary, A Prayer for Owen Meany the crowd is confronted with different scenes of solid savagery yet brutality is never utilized without reason. The entirety of the savage demonstrations portrayed in the novel are absolutely essential for the characters and the plot to create. This plot-required viciousness can be found in the novel’s first section when Owen inadvertently murders John’s mother and in the novel’s last part when John relates Owen’s abnormal, while brave, demise to the crowd. The viciousness that is appeared in this novel is utilized in such a determined way, that it leaves an incredible impact on the crowd. In Chapter one, the storyteller clearly relates his mother’s passing to the crowd, clarifying the thinking behind this measure of detail with the announcement, â€Å"Your memory is a beast; you overlook it doesn’t.†The creator carefully records each tactile upgrade he got at the times paving the way to and following his mother’s demise; showing how this occasion significantly adjusted the course of his young life. Another case of the point by point memory the storyteller describes in this bit of the novel is found in the entry, â€Å"Later, I would recall everything. In returning to the location of my  â â â â â &...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Environment Issues and the Industrial Revolution Essay Example
Condition Issues and the Industrial Revolution Essay Example Condition Issues and the Industrial Revolution Paper Condition Issues and the Industrial Revolution Paper There are three dynamic earth impacts that influenced the Industrial Revolution human development populace, creation of cars, and intervention. In 1963, the human populace all around expanded, yet number of human living on this Earth has grown 2/3 since 1 963, presently it is beating at 6. 6 billion today. Everybody in this number offer assets, for example, water and food. By 2050, the human populaces are required to surpass 9 billion. As per McCall, E. His populace development causes numerous ecological issues, for example, freeing 80% from rainforests, the loss of plants and untamed life species, and n increment in ozone depleting substance outflows of a portion of the Earths surface land. Analysts are anxious about the possibility that that in the coming decades, half of the universes populace will be presented to water rare conditions, which are relied upon to develop troubles in meeting utilization levels, and our delicate biological systems will be crushed. Human populace development is connected to greater employments of common and created assets, vitality, land for developing and living, and waste side-effects, which are discarded, to disintegrate, contaminate or are reused. In nations that are, less evolved need contraception prompted spouse populace development. The outcomes from this expanding populace in these nations, individuals experience the ill effects of malnourishment, absence of clean water, stuffing, insufficient safe house, AIDS and different ailment/sicknesses (Earth Talk n. D. ). While the populaces numbers in the created countries are evening out or blurring today, the significant levels of utilization make a huge channel on their assets. We as Americans, just speak to 4% of the total populace and devour 25% of every one of our assets. Nations that are industrialized add to environmental change, ozone consumption, and overloading more than thudded nations. The development of vehicles upset travel in a positive way. Never the less, this innovation sway the earth by causing air contamination, ozone depleting substances, ozone consumption, water quality, utilization of normal assets, and clamor. In the public eye today, numerous individuals use cars to get from direct A toward point B. With this includes ignition of a petroleum product, a procedure that transmits gases and influences nature (King Media n. D. ). The U. S. Division of Transportation detailed in December 1 970 that more than 89. 9 billion vehicles travel our country thruways. Be that as it may, by December 2011 that number expanded to more than 246. 3 trillion vehicles. With such a high grade, how do autos influence our condition and the ozone layer? Greater part of the contamination all through our country is brought about via vehicles. The ozone layer is there to shield life from the bright beams from the sun. These layers become drained because of high centralizations of chlorine or bromine particles and incorporate chlorofluorocarbons, or Cuffs, haloes, methyl bromide, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform (King Media n. D. ). Since the cars, emanation gases contain scarcely any chlorine or bromine; consequently, they have little impact on draining the ozone layers. In any case, the various gases and particles that cars transmit influence our condition. Our vehicles contain various liquids, for example, engine oil, radiator fluid, gas, refrigerants, and brake, transmission, pressure driven, and windshield-wiper liquids. There liquids can spill into our conduits and mischief people, creatures, and fish. Furthermore, proposals liquids get metals for mileage of the motor, which makes them progressively harmful to nature. Assertion significantly affected the Industrial Revolution, which occurred from the finish of the eighteenth century to the start of the twentieth century (Sexton n. D. ). Mediation was the movement of people from country zones to urban communities. When these people sunk into the urban communities, they had to modify from self-supporting life they had on homesteads to constancy lives in huge urban communities. Alongside their constancy lives, these people were gone up against with reliance on administrations they had recently given themselves. With the staggering development in the urban areas, the legislature was confronted with basic needs Of revamping their arrangements on sewage, travel foundation, and water supplies (Sexton n. D. ). Discretion carried numerous progressions to the greater urban areas, for example, tremendous measures of waste, which prompted record high increment in the trash that stays in landfills and dirties the dirt for a long time. Moreover, manufacturing plants were creating more materials, which consequently caused elevated levels of contamination from the arrival of harmful waste and influenced the fish populace in conduits. Be that as it may, a great many people to large urban areas for the advise, better ways of life, and openings. With the covering populace development and ecological issues, numerous Americans might want to see a change made in the U. S. Arrangements concerning family arranging. As per Earth Talk, President Bush organized what American call the Global Gag Rule, where the IIS isn't subsidizing different nations help with premature births. In 1969, the Quahogs River close to Cleveland, Ohio was contaminated with harmful synthetics and modern waste and consequently, the waterway was set a blasted. With this event numerous Americans accepting this as the defining moment to go to the overspent and look for activity on ensuring the earth. While Lyndon b. Johnson was president, he marked about 300 protection and beautification measures, which established the framework for the future enactment. At that point, in the sasss, President Nixon marked the National Environmental Policy Act and made the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA began another arrangement of natural laws that necessary organizations to decrease contamination, for example, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. Since the natural development in the 1 sirs today America is a mineral biologically well disposed spot than what it was 30 years prior. Enactment, analysts, and new innovations have attempted to lessen contamination, increment decency, and secure jeopardized creatures. Laws went after 1 970: Noise Control Act of 1 972 SEC. 2 [42 U. S. C. 4901] proposed for securing human wellbeing and limit clamor to the general population. Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 planned to guarantee open drinking water fulfills security guidelines. Clean Water Act help control contamination in our lakes, waterways, and different waterways. Asset Conservation and Recovery Act 1976 planned o administer the removal of perilous waste and strong waste. Harmful Substance Control Act 1976 planned to direct the presentation of new or previously existing synthetic concoctions. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 proposed to set up restrictions on obligation for harms coming about because of oil contamination and to set up a store for the installment of pay for harms and different purposes. Clean Air Act 1 990 Auto Emission Law 2004 this law was established by the province of California because of the contamination issues they were confronting. Later different states stuck to this same pattern. With all the new laws condition has improved. In specific expresses the natural pointers has announced the improvement in air and water quality since 1980. This happen from business and industry has found a way to decrease the ozone and molecule contamination. Also, it is normal that extra decreases in engine vehicles will meet extreme government air quality guidelines.
Monday, August 10, 2020
I Was Not a Minimalist, Until I Was
I Was Not a Minimalist, Until I Was I am not an expertâ€"I just play one on the Internet. Or rather, I wasnt an expert on anything, until I was. You see, at 18 I didnt know how to be a leader. But then I took an entry-level sales job, spent a decade working my way up the corporate ladder, and eventually led a group of 100 people in sixteen locations. Over time, I slowly became an expert at inspiring and leading people. At 22 I didnt know how to run a successful business. But then, with no formal education, I learned. In the course of time, I opened fourteen profitable retail stores for a large corporation, managed a $52 million operating budget, and eventually oversaw the operations for 150 retail stores (which I realize now, as a minimalist, is a bit ironic in retrospect). Over time, I slowly became an expert on business. At 25 I didnt know how to get in shape or lose the excess weight that plagued me. But then I changed my diet, began a simple exercise routine, and lost 80 pounds. And now people regularly rely on me for diet and exercise advice. Over time, I slowly became an expert on health. At 27 I didnt know how to live a meaningful life. But then I confronted my discontent, spent two years paying off immense personal debt, and started looking for happiness in lifes more important areas: health, relationships, growth, and contributionâ€"not material possessions. Over time, I slowly became an expert on intentional living. At 28 I didnt know how to be a minimalist. My three-bedroom home was filled with trinkets to prove it. But then I started questioning my stuff, removing one by one the unnecessary things from my life, eventually jettisoning 90% of my material possessions, replacing them with worthwhile experiences. Over time, I slowly became an expert on minimalism. At 29 I didnt know what a blog was. (Seriously!) But then I needed an outlet to share my experiences with other people. So I asked my best friend, Ryan, if hed be willing to build a website and share his experiencesâ€"and my experiencesâ€"with the world. He said yes, so we created The Minimalists, started publishing essays (which we later realized were called blog posts ), and grew our readership to millions of people in 190 countries. Over time, we slowly became experts on blogging. Approaching age 30 I didnt think it was possible to leave my corporate job to pursue my dream of writing fiction. But then I discovered it was. I had already simplified my life, paid off my debt, changed my spending habits, and radically reduced my cost of living. So I sold my house, paid off my car, eliminated nearly all my bills, and moved into a tiny $500-per-month minimalist apartment. And then I quit. Now people frequently ask me how they, too, can stop living the lie and start living their dream. Over time, I slowly became an expert on leaving the corporate world in the pursuit of dreams. At 30 I wasnt a published author. I had a stack of rejection letters from agents and publishers to prove it. But now, I have published four bestselling books on my own and cofounded my a publishing company, Asymmetrical Press, where we help writers and other creative types circumvent the old guard. Over time, I slowly became an expert in the publishing world. Last year I didnt think I could be a teacher since I dont have a college degree. But then I learned I could use my training experience from the corporate world, combined with my love and passion and obsession with writing, to add value to peoples lives. Thus, I started an online writing class. When the class quickly filled up, I was shocked; so I offered an upgraded online version for everyone. Most important, my studentsâ€"ranging from teenagers to Ph.D.sâ€"have found tremendous value, have grown as writers, and have given me the opportunity to contribute to their successes. Over time, I slowly became an expert on writing and teaching. I didnt tell you any of this to brag or boast or inform you of how great I am. I am far from great. There wont be a life-size bronze statue of Joshua Fields Millburn occupying the streets of Dayton, Ohio, anytime soon. I am flawed and tattered and perfectly imperfectâ€"just like you. I wasnt able to do any of the above because I was smarter or better or funnier or more toothsome than the next guy. Instead, there were two commonalities among all these paths to expertise: time and action. None of it happened overnight; it took time. And it wasnt easy; it took consistent actionâ€"incremental actions that morphed into habits over time. Now, when I look in lifes rearview mirror, everything is different. Over time, I slowly became an expert. And so can you. If you find value in The Minimalists, consider donating a dollar.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Mba 555 - Case Study Essay - 1716 Words
Reputation in Jeopardy Chapter 15 – Conflict and Negotiation Conflict can be defined as a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. Chapter 15 of our textbook, Organizational Behavior, discusses the concept of conflict in great deal, as well as identifies the process of negotiation as means to resolve conflict. Many of the topics covered in the chapter have a direct implication to the case study, Reputation in Jeopardy, and can be used to both analyze and provide insight into the possible future behavior of the characters in the study. The case can be broken down into three main questions: 1. What are the main†¦show more content†¦Amber is now caught in a very sticky situation because two conflicts have become intertwined. The most obvious is Lydia anger, and being that Lydia is a manager this issue could damage Amber’s reputation. Also, Amber is upset with her own boss Sarah for instigating the trouble with Lydia, but she feels she cannot tell Lydia the truth about Sarah because doing so would implicate her own boss and look like she is just trying to put the blame on someone else. Now the question is what should Amber do? How do the concepts of conflict relate to this case? Over the years, three different views on conflict have been proposed. The earliest approaches to conflict assumed that all conflict was bad and should be avoided; this was called the Traditional View. The second view, namely the Human Relations View, saw conflict as a natural occurrence, and that it was inevitable in any group, therefore it should be accepted. The third, and most recent view of conflict, it the Interactionist View, which states that conflict is an absolute necessity for a group to perform effectively. The interactionist view divides conflict into two categories, functional and dysfunctional. Functional conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance. These are usually task or process conflicts. Dysfunctional conflicts, however, hinder the group’sShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan1207 Words  | 5 PagesFast ‘n Fresh Premium Ice Cream Parlor 858 Success Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32211 904-555-1212(T)- 904-555-1211(F) Fast ‘n Fresh Ice Cream Fast ‘n Fresh- - good for you! 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ugly Truth - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2002 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Truth Essay Did you like this example? Embracing individuality has become more of a nuisance in society rather than a declarative freedom. In Andrew Solomons,Son, differences have created a huge social divide between strangers, but more importantly amongst families as well. Solomon highlights the idea that family structures are corroborated by a parents inability to accept the illnesses of their own children and perceive it as a learning experience. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ugly Truth" essay for you Create order Andrew Solomon writes of his own personal journey regarding his mother who attempted to alter his sexuality, partially to blind herself from the reality of how others would judge her. Both Solomon and his mother demonstrate an internal struggle due to the uncertainty connected with what an individual expects versus what they actually receive. This internal struggle referred to by Solomon is further examined in Daniel Gilberts, Immune to Reality, where Gilbert explains how individuals perceive the world based on their subjective experience of it. He demonstrates how a psychological immune system unconsciously protects humans from trauma and adversities, but how it also prevents them from fully experiencing and processing very difficult events. Amongst the many definitions of happiness discussed by Daniel Gilbert, the idea that happiness is making the best of a bad situation is largely incomplete because it does not encompass the desired effects of genuine and long-lasting happiness. H owever, through Solomons negative experiences and emotions with the lack of acceptance from his mother it is evident that his acceptance towards identity and the support from other like-minded individuals leads to a more sustained happiness. Daniel Gilberts depiction of a psychological immune system as a defense mechanism to make the best of a situation reveals the sense of a short-term enjoyment developed by society. Daniel Gilbert argues that the psychological immune system is an adaptation that helps us cope with things we can not change. However, happiness must not stem from ones ability to cope because coping with ones circumstances provides a temporary, forced sense of happiness. Individuals have started to develop a tendency to settle for short-term happiness in scenarios intended to bring enduring happiness, such as a family. Gilbert claims, Another possibility is that we are more likely to look for and find a positive view of the things were stuck with than of things were not. Friends come and go, and changing candidates is as easy as changing socks. But siblings and presidents are ours, for better or for worse, and there is not much we can do about it once theyve been born or elected, (Gilbert 138). The inesca pability trigger mentioned by Gilbert produces an incomplete sense of happiness and reality because individuals are essentially optimizing their happiness by staying comfortable and designing scenarios that better shape around that comfort. This notion of excusing a siblings behavior because of their permanence allows short-term happiness to be produced because individuals are robbing themselves of better treatment by excusing behavior they should be aiming to correct. A psychological immune system only worsens the journey towards happiness because using a certain mindset to force rationalization strips individuals of their humanity because they are void to powerful emotions such as anger or sadness that could potentially lead to greater ones such as compassion. However, once an individual can be fully comfortable with the fact that their mood is uneasy, the more they are able to embrace their humanity through self-analysis. The ability to experience anger such as with a sibling a nd manifest it into self-compassion and compassion towards others when faced with an adversity is much more effective towards long-lasting happiness than convincing yourself into being happy. Similarly, Andrew Solomons discussion of parents who simply cope with the defects of their children supports the idea that a psychological immune system creates short-term happiness as previously analyzed through the experiments of Daniel Gilbert. Andrew Solomon described a childs defect as something that permanently becomes a part of the parent and demonstrates how many parents simply cope with such news, which parallels to Gilberts idea of an inescapability trigger. Parents continue to make the best of their situation in order to achieve happiness as an ultimate goal, rather than allowing it to be something that one can naturally experience through trial and error. Andrew Solomon states,Such parents tend to view aberrance as illness until habituationenables them to cope with their odd new realityoften by introducing the language of identity, (Solomon 373). If parents who are struggling to accept their children avoided their psychological immune systems by understanding the negativi ties of life and the ways to go about them, they would be able to achieve a much more compelling sense of happiness. Rather than coping, negative experiences allow individuals to go through a trial and error phase in order to fully correct and understand what is bothering them. This provides them with the opportunity to reach out to others for help, strengthening their bond with themselves and society. In this case, the parents would have developed a better bond with their children and would not have to feel as if there is not much [they] can do about it, (Gilbert 138). Many parents feel disconnected from their children now more than ever when it comes to disabilities because they simply cope with the experiences that are meant to evoke certain emotions necessary to understand oneself. Without the capability to understand the emotions of oneself, it makes it extremely difficult to comprehend the emotions of others. Parents find themselves in a constant cycle of short-lived happiness with their children because they lack the emotional understanding necessary to break down their barriers. On the other hand, Solomons experience with his mothers discomfort towards his sexuality acts as a counterexample to Daniel Gilberts argument of settling because Solomon managed to find long lasting happiness after attempting to alter his personality by finding support from similar individuals. Both Solomon and Gilbert acknowledge the idea of acceptance, however the acceptance of a certain fate and the acceptance of identity are immensely different. Solomons mothers lack of acceptance and the criticism of his classmates essentially contributed to his negative perception of himself and dissatisfaction with the world. Rather than shaping his view more positively, he states, My treatment took only two hours a week for about six months, and it gave me an ease with womens bodies that was so vital to the subsequent heterosexual experiences Im glad to have hadbut when I was with them, I could never forget that my cure was a distilled manifestation of self-loathing, and I have never entirely forgiven the circumstances that disposed me to make the obscene effort, (Solomon 380). Solomons lack of a psychological immune system undermines Gilberts idea of synthetic happiness generating real happiness. Instead of developing a defense mechanism, Solomon had the ability to experience a psychological process of sublimation and alter parts of himself in an effort to please society. This eventually allowed him to accept the reality that his mother would never fully understand him instead of settling with her disappointment because of her permanence, as Gilbert previously mentions. Solomon experienced sadness and discomfort by the situation, but the negative experience pushed him to find like-minded individuals who made him more accepting of himself in the long run. This proves that sadness is an evolutionary benefit because it helps strengthen social and internal bonds. This idea of connecting individuals through sympathy, similarities, and talking through negative experiences actually allows individual to resolve their issues to achieve a long term happiness, whereas forcing people to constantly be positive may in fact be detrimental. The pain Solomon felt during his experience amplified his individuality and authenticity because he realized how miserable he felt trying to chase short-term happiness and manifested that suffering into immediate action, which m any of the individuals that Gilbert describes fail to do by changing their view of the experience, (Gilbert 138). Attempting to discern sadness ultimately prevents an individual from the conception of their genuine identity and feeling of authentic happiness. Meanwhile avoiding a psychological immune system altogether is more beneficial towards sustaining happiness because the exposure to the harsh reality of distinct perspectives prevents individuals from creating their own distorted views of experiences. Moreover, Andrew Solomons acceptance of his own identity disproves Gilberts discussion of happiness through coping with an irrevocable situation. As previously mentioned, Gilbert discusses the coping of circumstances regarding family members simply because they are part of ones blood and something that they can not change, allowing individuals to succumb to the inescapability trigger. A psychological immune system produces this attitude that acceptance simply means getting over painful situations. However, Solomon directly falsifies Gilberts argument because he demonstrates how ones identity is also theirs for better or for worse and there is not much they can do about it, (Gilbert 138). In this case, the irrevocable situation is the essence of an individual rather than societys perceptions. Individuals may attempt to ignore or escape from who they truly are, but this creates a sense of dissatisfaction and false happiness that actually causes many individuals to appreciate and liv e their life authentically as themselves. Solomon was able to apply the idea of acceptance into his inevitable situation of his identity, rather than just simply coping with what he previously thought of himself. Contrary to Gilbert, Solomon demonstrates that acceptance doesnt mean minimizing the significance of what happened or ones reaction, but that it is in fact an in depth acknowledgement that brings happiness. Solomons experience with his identity allows individuals to view happiness as the ability to accept life for what it is and realize it is not something they must control, as a psychological immune system aims to do. Gilberts definition of happiness will only get an individual so far as to feeling contempt, however Solomons idea of allowing happiness to become a product through natural experiences will allow individuals to go as far as celebrating themselves and their accomplishments. Many individuals may resonate with the experiments of Daniel Gilbert and believe that altering their perceptions of experiences may synthesize their happiness, in terms providing real happiness. However, this forced sense of happiness can not be defined as genuine happiness because it is only temporary. Through the representation of a psychological immune system in both the essay of Gilbert and Solomon, it is evident that a psychological immune system only provides short-term happiness because individuals miss out on life experiences meant to create a strong internal connection with oneself. Andrew Solomon points out,This books conundrum is that most of the families described here ended up grateful for the experiences they would have done anything to avoid, (Solomon 387). This represents an important rationale as to why immediate action must be taken rather than ignoring the situation altogether. The idea that parents developed happiness in themselves and in their children later on c ould have been expedited by focusing less on defects as something they must cope with, but rather an opportunity to connect with others and gain knowledge. Convincing oneself against negative experiences is a plausible route to momentary happiness, but Andrew Solomon is a prime example of achieving a durable sense of happiness and living authentically through adversities. Undergoing negative experiences allows genuine happiness to occur because intense emotions such as sadness allows individuals to deeply understand other profound emotions such as beauty. As demonstrated through Andrew Solomon, hardships can provide the unity needed to survive and the acceptance of oneself, allowing genuine happiness to become a product. Nevertheless, the examination of ones negative experiences allows an individual to achieve enduring happiness because they become aware as to why and how they felt the way they did. A psychological immune system portrays happiness as a coping mechanism, creating a sense of short-term happiness because individuals are not striving to reach their maximum potential or a state of self-actualization. Natural happiness is an end goal, but it results from the choices one makes and their ability to grow from those choices. Enduring pain, sadness, or annoyance ultimately authorizes individuals to closely connect with themselves and the realistic nature of the world.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unequal Distribution of Power Free Essays
Marxist speaks about the unequal distribution of power and wealth and resources in a society. They believe the ones with the resources in a society. They believe that the ones with the resources are the ones oppressing those without those resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Unequal Distribution of Power or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marxist links their theory to deviance by saying because some have access to fewer resources in the Capitalist society they are seen as more likely to commit crime. Marxist speaks about the upper classes using their power influence and their wealth to hide their crimes and deviant behaviours. They buy their way out of trouble by hiring attorneys and using bribes. Marxist thought to argue that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political in nature. They rejected the idea that deviance is ‘determined’ by factors such as biology, personality, anomie, social disorganization or labels. Rather they argued, individuals actively choose to engage in deviant behaviour respond to the inequalities of the capitalist system. Because this is so, they set up a system where there is something such as social control agents these are they who administer the response to deviance such as police and the army. Although the oppressed groups in society (proletariat) may behave or act deviant, whether or not they do they are more likely to be labelled deviant. For instance in Trinidad there is some communities that are seen as or labelled as deviant places because of its crime rate. Although, not everyone living there are criminals are categorized or group together with that so called deviant community. For instance someone who lives in Lavantille may go to an interview has all the qualifications but because he/ she resides there they may not be ‘‘qualified’’ for the job. The other social classes are not crime-free, the ruling groups in society develop means and mechanisms to protect their interest according to conflict theorist who argue that laws are created protect and sustain the capitalist. Although the public seems to think that the lower classes are more likely commit crime, white-collar workers also commit many crimes. White collar criminal activity in Trinidad and Tobago, though hardly ever reported is not un-noticed. It exists at various levels of society both in the public and private sector. However, the merits or demerits of any allegation of wrongdoings made are hardly ever thoroughly investigated, and almost never comes before a criminal court. It is instead ascribed to poor corporate governance rather than deliberate criminal acts. The police or some rather of this small Caribbean island of Trinidad are very corrupt they will commit wrongful doings of all kind and yet still walk freely like it is normal. It is indeed true that they are protected by their own kind. How to cite Unequal Distribution of Power, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Information Security Policy - Processes - and Practices
Question: Discuss about the Information Security for Policy, Processes, and Practices. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, Issue specific security policy is used by every business to address the specific issues within the technology. This report presents the issue specific security policy for the Auto-fishing Group. It also discusses the different components of ISSP to make effective policy. These components are Statement of Policy, Authorized access and usage of equipment, Prohibited Uses, systems management, Violations of Policy, policy review and modification and Limitations of Liability. There are different assumptions made by auto fishing group to make the ISSP. In the case of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), it is assumed that Auto fishing group employs the high level of automation in aircraft and also employs few programs such as land immediately and return to home. It is also assumed that smallest UAVs is used by Auto fishing group which weight is less than 2 kg together with weight of heavy UAVs is approximately less than 25 kg. Another assumption is that UAVs is used by Auto fishing group to effectively capture the requirements regarding the customers and fisherman. Another assumption is that UAVs used by Auto fishing group did not harmed to any customers also deliver the services quickly. In the case of online banking, it is assumed that Auto fishing group employs approximately 200 employees. Another assumption is that auto fishing group performed all banking transactions such as Account Information, Online instructions, Demat Account Information, Requests, Bill payments and other merchant payments, from the comfort of customers like home and office. It is also assumed that Auto fishing group is offered the prompt payment services to customers. It is assumed that online banking facilities provided by Auto fishing group is effective to minimize the risk and maximize the return of fishermans member and customers. In the case of marine and fisheries training, it is assumed that there are approximately 3 trainers to provide training to their 20 students. These trainers are proficient and having skills regarding fishing process. As a result, they have provided training about techniques used by the fishermen. It is also assumed that training which is offered by Auto fishing group is related to health and safety, environment protection and also associated with ways of improving efficiency. Issue specific security policy (ISSP) ISSP must use by Auto-fishing Group, Tasmania to identify specific issues and facilitate the instructions regarding the appropriate usage of specific technology to fishermen and its member. This report develops a policy for use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), online banking, and marine and fisheries training within the Auto-fishing Group, Tasmania. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is applicable to get the optimal quantity of fish from the fishermen on time and to deliver the order of the customers rapidly. Furthermore, online banking facilities are provided by AG group to its member and fishermen (Goodman, et al., 2016). Training is also used to provide the instruction to the student to show the live videos of fish shoals and schools as well as the techniques used by the fishermen. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned aircraft which weighs less than 55 pounds on takeoff and also included everything that is on board. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles within the Auto-fishing Group increases the fish yield of its member and fishermen and also enables the organization to supply the fish to the customers as speedily as possible at a rational price. This whole procedure is based on automated onboard computers hence the distribution vehicles are connected to the office of Auto-fishing Group and the mobile devices of the fishermen (Peltier, 2016). It is beneficial to pull out the human potential and also allows the organization to execute dangerous and difficult tasks safely and efficiently, and also saving time, money and lives of people. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is the government agency who is responsible for providing the instruction about unmanned aircraft vehicle. It is beneficial for using UAV from an aviation safety perspective. Furthermore, instructor of Auto-fishing Group is responsible and accountable to offer the training. Authorized access and usage of equipment All the users of Auto-fishing Group are agreed to comply the code of conduct to protect the data of the organization. There are three technology unmanned aircraft vehicle, online banking facilities and marine and fisheries training of the AG network, which should be designed to only for business purpose so the authentic use of this technology can only be the fulfillment of business intention (Ifinedo, 2014). These technologies should not be used by managers and fishermen for personal use because it is only for business purposes. Access to the Auto-fishing Group network must be Authenticated and verified for customers and fishermen. Further, use of computer, laptops, and other devices within the Auto-fishing Group should be authorized for training proposes (Whitman and Mattord, 2011). Along with this, marine and fisheries training should be provided by the experts to give instruction about the process. Personal devices such as mobile devices, laptops, tablets, person computers, USB are authorized to bring in the Auto-fishing Group but the connection to the network should be authorized and monitored. These devices are prohibited from accessing the Auto-fishing Group's communication, any personal information, sharing fishermen member's personal information to the public. All members should use password protected network to comprehensive use of the devices (Ifinedo, 2016). Any fishermen members required to use the personal devices for any emergency should be approved by the authorized fishermen member. The UAVs should not fly over the height of 150m and should not fly surrounded by prohibited areas around airports (UAV Coach, 2016). Along with this, Auto-fishing Group should obtain the certificate of the operator from CASA for using the UAV because it protects the data of the company. Auto-fishing Groups member is individually accountable for monitoring the use of UAV in the home network. Auto-fishing Group member must protect the software, networks and any devices provided to the employees and fishermen in any use. Furthermore, online banking society is responsible for providing the banking facilities to fishermen and its member (Whitman, and Mattord, 2011). Managing Director of Auto-fishing Group is responsible for building the guidelines about the use of UAV device in the Intranet and also shows all the lists of the authorized devices, hardware, and password encrypted user accounts (The University of Texas, 2012). Together with, two instructors of AG must responsible for providing marine and fisheries training in Hobart. According to the code of conduct of Auto-fishing Group, if employees, students, and managers are a failure to obey the security requirements and policies then they should be penalized due to disciplinary action issue, legal issues and also prohibited over the network access at any time within the organization. Moreover, The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is prohibited from flying of UAV in a way which will hazardous to property and a person (Australian Government, 2017). As per the law, if the company will hazardous to people and property or breach this provision then it must give a maximum penalty of 50 units that is equal to approximately $8,500. Policy Review and Modification This policy must be reviewed and modified based on the fishermen agreement at the end of every year. Along with this, the UAV review board should modify the plan for authorization. The envisioned action should comply the applicable laws, government regulations, and university policies. Auto-fishing Group should not only be limited to the policy on Unmanned Aircraft but also involve the policy related to marine and fisheries training, and online banking facilities. The envisioned process should not be tolerated a threat to health, safety, and privacy (Harris, 2015). If technology will hazardous to health, safety, and privacy of people then, it will be modified by the code of conduct practices of an authorized board member. As per the principle of Auto-fishing Group, company is not responsible for any lost and stolen devices during the unauthorized use inside the Auto-fishing Group. If employees and fishermen are failures to obey the rules and regulations then, they will give penalties together with the company can issue the infringement notification. As per the rule, an operator has liable to not fly closer than 30m to vehicle, boats, buildings which are not on the private property of operators. Hence, Auto-fishing Group must have explicit authorization from the private property owners (UASSA, 2017). Along with this, the operator should not allow flying the UAV over any populated areas like a garden, beaches, parks and sports ovals. Moreover, if these rules are violated then CASA can take action such as issue the infringement notices of up to $8500 per offense. Along with this, if these rules are critically breached and harm to a person then CASA will forward the case to Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions with the purpose of criminal charges. Together with, if an employee breaches the company policy related to use of company technology such as UAV, marine and fisheries training, and online banking facilities then the company will not protect them and the company is not held liable for these actions (Lynskey, 2012). It can be proved by the organization that such act would be conducted without their knowledge and authorization. Issue specific security policy (ISSP) is used to prevent waste and inappropriate use of organization resources. This policy is also significant for organization because it limits and eliminates the potential legal liability that can be existed from employees and third parties. This policy is also beneficial for organization to preserve and protect precious, private, and proprietary data from unlawful access and disclosure. Along with this, security policy is required to secure the confidential information from the network security assets within a company (Peltier, 2016). Since, security policies are appropriate to employees at all levels within the organization hence it should be written at a reading level and should be comprehensible for all employees. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that there are three technologies is used by Auto-fishing Group, Tasmania named Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), online banking, and marine and fisheries training. Further, it can be evaluated that ISSP is created by the company to identify the specific issues and to offer the guidelines to their members and fishermen. It is found out that these policies entailed different components to effectively address the issues in these technologies. Finally, it can be summarized that if an employee violated these policies then it will be penalized by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). References Australian Government (2017) Flying drones/remotely piloted aircraft in Australia. [Online]. Available at: https://www.casa.gov.au/aircraft/landing-page/flying-drones-australia (Accessed: 14 March 2017). Goodman, S., Straub, D. W., and Baskerville, R. (2016)Information Security: Policy, Processes, and Practices. UK: Routledge. Harris, C. (2015) Regulation of Drones in Australia - A Balancing Act. [Online]. Available at: https://www.corrs.com.au/publications/corrs-in-brief/regulation-of-drones-in-australia-a-balancing-act/ (Accessed: 14 March 2017). Ifinedo, P. (2014) Information systems security policy compliance: An empirical study of the effects of socialization, influence, and cognition,Information Management,51(1), pp. 69-79. Ifinedo, P. (2016) Critical Times for Organizations: What Should Be Done to Curb Workers Noncompliance With IS Security Policy Guidelines,Information Systems Management,33(1), pp. 30-41. Lynskey, D. (2012) Current Uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). [Online]. Available at: https://www.pitt.edu/~dkl10/Writing%20Assignment%203.pdf (Accessed: 14 March 2017). Peltier, T. R. (2016)Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective information security management. USA: CRC Press. The university of Texas (2012) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. [Online]. Available at: https://policies.utexas.edu/policies/unmanned-aerial-vehicles (Accessed: 14 March 2017). UASSA (2017) Unmanned Aerial Systems. [Online]. Available at: https://uasservicesaustralia.com/ (Accessed: 14 March 2017). UAV Coach (2016) Drone Laws in Australia. [Online]. Available at: https://uavcoach.com/drone-laws-in-australia/ (Accessed: 14 March 2017). Whitman, M. E., and Mattord, H. J. (2011)Principles of information security. USA: Cengage Learning.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Women in Ancient Greece Essay Example
Women in Ancient Greece Essay Whereas married women seldom crossed the thresholds of their own front door, adolescent girls were lucky if they were allowed as far as the inner courtyard since they had to stay where they could not be seen well away even from the male members of the family. (Cohen p. 3-4) The social status of women during ancient Greece were found ranks below men and not treated as equals as they have no social standing nor bearing in the Grecian society. As the society is purely dominated by the male populous, the female citizens of ancient Greece were expected to be prim and proper and even as not being able to fraternize with their own very male member of their family. They are all segregated to avoid any other misconceptions of their honor and their purity as women. In the entirety of the Grecian culture, women’s stature somewhat differs from place to place depending on the region that they are in and as well as following cultural responsibilities that they are expected to abide. The social status of women in different parts of Greece greatly differs from one and the other. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Ancient Greece specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Ancient Greece specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Ancient Greece specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The majority of Cycladic marble vessels and sculptures were produced during the Grotta-Pelos and Keros-Syros periods. Early Cycladic sculpture comprises predominantly female figures that range from simple modification of the stone to developed representations of the human form, some with natural proportions and some more idealized (Metmuseum, Par. 3). In the Cycladic era – Cycladic women were expected to rear and take care of their children. Harvesting of crops, tending to fruits and vegetables, tending to docile livestock, creating pottery, weaving, and spinning were most of the women’s duties. This has made a strong divide between the duties of both women and men – leaving the light duties to the women and the larger responsibilities to the men. â€Å"Cycladic Idol I†is a female figure standing. Made of resin and is roughly forty centimeters tall and fourteen centimeters in length. This piece was meticulously carved in parts of two dimensions as well as its curves in three dimensional aspects. Most of the artifacts found in this era is purely depicted by women rather than males. These idols, such as the one mentioned awhile ago, were used religiously as part of ceremonies, rituals, and funerals. The Minoan period was found in Crete. The Minoan culture predominantly shows the practice of worshipping goddesses which suggests that this culture had a high level of degree of respect towards women. This might be even exceeding the expectations of other cultures during that time. Most of the Minoan women were given religious offices and given positions in authority. This culture shows a great dependence on their female population as they needed a lot of future generations to sustain and ensure a future for their society. â€Å"Minoan Snake Goddess†circa 1600BCE, was thirty-four centimeters high and made of faience. This idol shows a woman elaborately dressed yet exposing both of her breasts. Her arms are wide apart and in both of her hands she is seen holding a snake in each fist. She is seen wearing a hat in the shape of a cat which could either be a lion sitting down or a leopard. She is seen wearing a full length skirt with seven flounces and a girdle. Her breasts are exposed as suggesting that she is a household goddess specializing with fertility. Yet as she is holding two snakes in her fists, these snakes depict male fertility. Normally, Minoan women are simply dressed but with this idol, it suggests that the women in those times were highly regarded. The Mycenaean period came to through the end of the late bronze-age. This period has women become chiefly concerned with religious rituals, rites, and ceremonies. Mycenaean women were alike with Minoan women in regards to their statutory rights, public duties, and religious offices. Mycenaean women were often seen as highly skilled, public administrators, and often played sports. As Minoan women were highly regarded, so as Mycenaean women were. As with â€Å"The Procession of Women†which is part of the late Helladic period, shows five women carrying offerings to one of their deities. (Thera Par. 13) More often than not, women recurrently appears as a higher form of being that most average Grecian women are expected to become, as most religious rites and ceremonies which are officiated generally by women as mediators to their faith. Male attendants are not commonly seen as part of those religious activities.†The fresco painting of â€Å"Saffron Gatherers†by Xeste III, found in Akrotiri. This was dated back as 1550-1450 BCE as part of the late Minoan era. In the Minoan era, women who are depicted as goddesses and deities are of equal rank as their male counterpart unlike those of their followers.  In this frieze, the women are depicted to gather saffron as part of a ritual or ceremony or it may be an offering to a beloved deity. This fresco also goes to show that equality between men and women can be achieved but it cannot say that it can transcend into the lives of their subjects. With these various art pieces, one may be able to tell that since early ancient Greece, women have become symbols of fertility, of the households, and lesser than men. Most of the Grecian beliefs do not entirely put down women, but they also deify idols and deities as per their cultural and superstitious beliefs. If one can notice that the role of women in ancient Greece has somewhat evolved in most parts than most. Like in Sparta and in Athens, Spartan women are expected to be strong as their husbands are and nearly as equal to men. With Athenian women, they are mere objects of desire that are given via contract to men who can be beneficial to the women’s family. In the Classical Greece period, Grecian women were regarded lesser than slaves and prostitutes. The latter were given certain liberties and freedom but not as much as Grecian Women. As for Athenian women, from child birth to coming of age, women are treated differently than their male counter parts. The girls are not taught to read and write but taught domestic skills such as spinning, cooking, and child rearing. Most of the girls are not excluded from participating in festivals, fairs, and religious rites in which they are a major part of the events. Arranged marriages are religiously fixed by the patriarch of the family, where in a marital contract is usually drawn and accompanied by dowry to be given to the bridegroom. The dowry is handled by the bride’s brother to ensure that if the husband dies, he is the one elected to find another husband for his sister. Women during those times were considered as objects and not as equals to men. (Women, Par. 4) â€Å"Lekythos†is a terracotta, black figure standing almost eighteen centimeters high and dated around 550CE 530CE. Normally a Lekythos is used for funerary purposes, but with this vessel shows a marriage scene that may have been a gift to a young bride to her wedding. Weaving as seen in the vessel depicts the domesticity and devoutly religious. This also shows the start and end of weaving done by women in classical Greece. This also goes for the following art piece: â€Å"Penelope at the Loom†dated 440BCE, shows Penelope distraught with Telemachus looking over as she tries to find ways to hinder her would be suitors in marrying her as Oddyseus has been long gone for quite awhile. This red figure depicts that a woman cannot continue on living without a husband at her side. In order to continue with tradition and the culture of the region, an abandoned wife must have a husband to carry over the affairs of the property as the woman does not have any rights or control over her husband’s properties – unlike their Spartan counterparts. â€Å"Warrior’s Departure†by Kleophon Stamnos has a young wife and an old mother at the departure of a warrior who is a son and a husband. The duty of the young wife to her husband must be fulfilled and she must wait until his return. If for some reason that he does not return, the young wife is bound to subservience to the husband’s family. In the art pieces, starting in the Cycladic period, the female pieces are predominant rather than male pieces yet male dominancy prevails. This goes through out to the classical period, Mycenaean, and Minoan period which the latter periods do show that women are equal in rights and in stature as men are as depicted by their deities. The art pieces mentioned above has shed some light as evidences and proofs that the role of women in ancient Greece has been elevated up to a certain extent. Norms depends on the societies that they found in. Over the period of years the stature of women has evolved into some form of equality between genders. Most historians and people might see that women were not equally treated right in ancient Greece. One must take note that the period that they were in was purely male-dominated and it was common belief (depending on the region that you are in) that women are supposed to be found inside houses and not on the streets. As liberties may be taken advantage of and a woman who is unaccompanied might be mistaken for a wanton. Ideally the perception of women in a male dominated world has been to safeguard the purity and sanctity of their female citizens. Women’s rights, roles, and statures, has been dictated by the period and norms that they currently live in.  During the early periods women were treated as objects as of no worth. Women are not allowed to be more learned than the men who should dominate in every arena that they can set foot onto. This generally happens except for certain parts in ancient Greece. It is highly unlikely that the stature of women should change, elevated to a much higher calling such as being part of highly religious ceremonies, rituals, and rites. That bestows upon then the exclusivity of such worship to be done by females. Overall, as the times have changed perceptions, norms, and way of thinking can change as seen over the periods in ancient Greece. Most of the people have accepted the way of life of different women in different parts of Greece but then again it really depends on the culture and traditions practiced in those regions. The status of women in that particular period was in a way beneficial for women as they are accepted into a male dominated society not as slaves but as prime objects of whose value is to cater to the needs and wants of man. In one point of view the art pieces show that the women’s status has gradually improved over many eras and to some elevated into god like statuses when it comes to religious rites and practices. It is a mixed review on how scholars and other historians see the status of women as to some, they were badly treated. To others, women were very well off in their positions as men. What one must do is o assess the person’s situation as per their status at those times. Even if Ancient Greece was purely male dominated, women were given measures of protection as to not to endanger themselves, the honor of her family, and to the entire community. If one uses contemporary beliefs and point of views to gauge the status of women back then – it would certainly fail and end up confusion, as liberties seen today were not practiced or even thought of at those periods. The correct analysis of these situations should have a sound and moral background. Norms, beliefs, and morals change over time, and some do. With the welfare of women in Grecian times, it certainly has come a long way from their meager subservience to being deified in religious halls of ceremonies.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Hardy Common Juniper
The Hardy Common Juniper Common juniper is known by a variety of common names but here just two are mentioned, dwarf juniper and prostrate juniper. There are many subspecies or varieties of the common juniper ( Juniperous communis). Common juniper is a low shrub that generally grows no more than 3 to 4 feet high but can grow into a 30-foot tree. The common Juniper is the only circumpolar conifer in the northern hemisphere and grows worldwide including North America. The Common Juniper Tree Range Common juniper is found across the U.S.A. and Canada to Greenland, through Europe, across Siberia and Asia. Three major sub-species or varieties grow in North America: depressa occurs throughout Canada and the United States, megistocarpa occurs in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Quebec, montana occurs in Greenland, British Columbia, and California, Oregon, and Washington. The Hardy Common Juniper Common juniper is a hardy shrub, sometimes growing to tree size in a wide range of ecological conditions. The dwarf juniper typically grows on dry, open, rocky slopes and mountainsides but may be found in stressed environments where competition with other plants is almost non-existent. It also often grows in partial shade. Depending upon the latitude it can be found from lowland bogs at sea level to sub-alpine ridges and alpine tundra at over 10,000 feet. This juniper is also a common shrub of abandoned lowland fields in the Northern United States. Identification of Common Juniper The leaf of common Juniper is needle-like and slender, in whorls of three, sharp-pointed, glossy green with a broad white band on the upper side. Common juniper bark is red-brown and peeling in thin, vertical strips. The fruit is a berry-like cone, green to glaucous to black as it ripens. The shrub and tree forms of common juniper can be called prostrate, weeping, creeping and bushy. Uses of Common Juniper Common Juniper is of value for long-term land rehabilitation projects and is useful in preventing soil erosion. Common juniper provides important cover and browses for wildlife, especially mule deer. The cones are eaten by several species of songbirds and are an important food source for wild turkeys. Common junipers make excellent, vigorous landscaping shrubs, which are readily propagated by cuttings in the commercial nursery trade. The juniper berry is used as a flavoring for gin and some foods. Fire and the Common Juniper Common juniper is often killed by fire. It has been described as having minimal â€Å"firesurviving regeneration properties, and resprouting after a fire is rare. The foliage of juniper is resinous and flammable, which sustains and fuels wildfire and the plant will be killed at high fire intensities.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Effective Project Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Effective Project Control - Assignment Example According to Fox (2010), the implications of applying strategic guidelines to define the procedure of project management are relevant with reference to examining various methods through which a particular project can be organized. For example, models such as PERT are critical in exploring and assessing the efficacy of applying alternative options in cases where the original plan has failed to generate desired consequences. Moreover, Fox (2010) also notes that such facilities also provide managers with the ability to control the project in a more effective manner by integrating standard guidelines. In accordance with this understanding the most important element to ensuring effective control can be labeled as the determination of a critical path and the management of time constraints for meeting outlined goals and aims. The recognition of a critical path as a factor in effective project control essentially aims to align the gap between expected and achieved project times calculated on as per the entirety of the project (Fox, 2010). Consequently, the succeeding factor of consideration is linked with exploring the operational demands of the project; these elements are marked by outlining various factors including the suggested organization and allocation of resources and materials in addition with the prioritizing operations and activities. Integral concepts in effective project control and management comprise of understanding the significance of time management and scheduling (Lewis, 2004). However, in the realm of the controlling element of project management, it is fundamental to identify specific activities and operational aspects of the work so as to explore the potential of resources and assign them to respective projects. According to Lewis (2004), the estimation of cumulative resource allocation and the assignment of each factor is important
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Representations of Nature or the Nonhuman Animal World in Poetry Essay
Representations of Nature or the Nonhuman Animal World in Poetry - Essay Example As the report declares animal characters and attributes have formed the basis of metaphors for a long time. In other poems, the animal characters mentioned are actual animals because they do not have any deeper meaning than what appears superficially. Some pets highlight different natural conditions to add sense to their themes. Others will choose to present a detailed description of the landscape serving as the setting of the poem. All these serve to augment the ideas of the poet and enable the reader to establish a full connection with the theme of the poem. This discussion stresses that the title of the poem is a metaphorical expression that refers to an animal character, the mouse. The first line of the first stanza highlights that the mouse is caged and is extending its pleas to be accorded freedom. The ‘mouse’ represents the woman in society. Over time, society shunned the cognitive expressions of women and deemed them as lesser individuals with defective cranial capacities. The poet develops an analogy between the infringement done to a mouse through caging and women in society. In the last stanza, the poet mentions destruction as a factor that both mice and men may share. It becomes evident that the use of the ‘mouse’s is both a metaphor and an analogue. Just as the mouse on a cage would virtually be making pleas of freedom, women in the society have often found themselves in a similar situation. In the third stanza, the poet gives the mouse an adjective ‘free-born mouse’ suggesting that durin g birth it was a free creature. Similarly, all human were created free and with certain common gifts. The poet urges society’s oppressive units to refrain from detaining other free creatures. In the ninth stanza of the poem, the poet introduces a different member of the animal kingdom when he says ‘beware, lest in the worm you crush’. The aspect of the worm in this sentence becomes clear after the examination of the second line in the stanza ‘a brother’s soul you may find’. The poet uses the expression of the crushing a worm to represent the despised individuals in society. This expression warns society that it should not consider crushing certain individuals simply because they consider them of minimal value in society (Barbauld 1). William Wordsworth’s â€Å"Tintern Abbey†From the title of the poem, it becomes evident that the poet adored nature and exhibited a deep sense of appreciation for the beautiful scenarios described i n the poem. The poem is a monologue of a narrator expressing the effect of his understanding of nature. For a period of five years, the narrator had not experienced the sight and sound of ‘waters†¦.from Mountain springs. Moreover, he had not seen the ‘steep and lofty cliffs’ (Wordsworth 1). The author goes further to describe his thoughts concerning the ‘the landscape with the quiet of the sky’ and mentions trees such as sycamore, and orchard-tufts. The narrator gives full details of the scenario surrounding him highlighting the numerous ‘hedge-rows’, ‘sportive wood’, ‘houseless woods’ and ‘hermit’s curve’. All these phrases refer to nature and serve to define the landscape as the narrator sees it. The second stanza begins with a focus on the feelings that the memories of nature evoke in the narrator. He describes the sensations, emotions, and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Discuss The Strategic Options And Provide Examples Marketing Essay
Discuss The Strategic Options And Provide Examples Marketing Essay Globalization is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Globalization refers to the integration of economics and societies all over the world. It involves technological, economic, political, and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation and infrastructure. http://hubpages.com/hub/Definition-of-Globalization Integration in globalization is either negative or positive depends breaking down of trade barriers. The removal of barriers can be beneficial for products that are important to the economy growth. An example of imported raw materials is very expensive but the cost will be down if the supply will increase and will make cheaper to produce the final products for export. 2STRATEGY Strategy is reflects decisions to offer particular products or services in the particular markets. The strategic options for the exploring opportunities in the new established market and existing product are good opportunity to use the availability resources. It is a tool in the direction of the firms objective in achieving business success in the long term. CORPORATE STRATEGY: This is the focus of an organization which products or service markets to compete and area to operate. This is because market definition is the domain of corporate level strategists, the responsibility for diversification, addition of new products or services to the existing product, also falls within the realm of corporate-level strategy. A Strategic Alliance is a relationship between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need while remaining independent organizations. Businesses use strategic alliances to: Achieve advantages of scale, scope and speed Increase market penetration Enhance competitiveness in domestic and/or global markets Enhance product development Develop new business opportunities through new products and services Expand market development Increase exports Diversify Create new businesses Reduce costs. 3How to enter Market The best mode of entry its broad choices are indirect exporting, direct exporting, licencing, joint ventures and direct investment. A joint venture is an agreement by two or more parties to form a single entity to undertake a certain project. Each of the businesses has an equity stake in the individual business and share revenues, expenses and profits. Joint ownership has certain drawbacks. The partners might disagree over investment, marketing, or other policies. One partner might want to reinvest earnings for growth, and the other partner might want to take out these earnings. Furthermore joint ownership can hamper a multinational company from carrying out specific manufacturing and marketing policies on a worldwide basis. Licensing is a simple way for a manufacturer to become involved in International business. The licensor enters an agreement with a licensee in the foreign market, offering the right to use a manufacturing process trademarks, intellectual property and trade secrets are licensed to an external firm. Its used mainly to manufacture and sell a certain product. Its a lower risk way of expanding the reach of product compared to building company manufacturing base and distribution reach. Coca-cola is an example of an international market by licensing bottlers around the world. Franchising is an excellent way of quickly rolling out a successful concept nationwide. Franchisees pays fixed fee and agree to ongoing payments so the process is financially risk-free for the company. However, downsides do exist, particularly with the loss of control over how franchisees run their franchise. It is thus an important form of vertical market integration. Potentially, the system provides an effective blending of skill centralization and operational decentralization. It permits the franchise to sell products or services under a highly publicized brand name and a well-proven set of procedures; it is a carefully developed and controlled marketing strategy. Examples of franchisers are hotels brands i.e. Hilton, Holiday in and Coco-cola. Advantages of forming strategic alliances Provide companies with the opportunity to gain new capacity and expertise Allow companies to enter related businesses or new geographic markets or gain new technological knowledge access to greater resources, including specialized staff and technology sharing of risks with a venture partner Disadvantages of strategic alliances It takes time and effort to build the right relationship and partnering with another business can be challenging. Problems are likely to arise if: There is an imbalance in levels of expertise, investment or assets brought into the venture by the different partners. Different cultures and management styles result in poor integration and co-operation. The partners dont provide enough leadership and support in the early stages. Success in a joint venture depends on thorough research and analysis of the objectives. Examples of strategic alliances companies Sony-Ericsson is a joint venture by the Japanese consumer electronics company Sony Corporation and the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson to make mobile phones. Virgin Mobile India Limited is a cellular telephone service provider company which is a joint venture between Tata Tele service and Richard Bransons Service Group. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Examples_of_joint_ventures#ixzz1KAPliPOB Product Strategies Is the central focus of the marketing mix. It is fails to satisfy the needs of the consumers, no amount of promotion, price cutting, or distribution will persuade them to buy. The total product, which is what the customer buys, which also include the package, the brand name, accessories, after sales service, the warranty and instructions for use. Thus international product strategies and policies should include the following aspects. 4Strategies Matrix Ansoff Matrix has four strategies which an organization will be good to process for good foundation of the company future development. Ansoff matrix focused on the firms present and potential products and market, customers by considering ways to grow through existing products and new products and in existing market and new markets. It is one of the best tools for the companies to develop market and product expansion. Market Penetration, Product development, Market Development Diversification Diagram below indicate the Ansoff Matrix : faculty.msb.edu/homak/homahelpsite/webhelp 5MARKET PENETRATION Is a term that indicates how deeply a product or service has become entrenched with a given consumer market. The degree of penetration is often measured by the amount of sales that are generated within the market itself, increasing sales force, increase distribution and promotion of products, more expenditure in marketing and advertising activities will results in increasing sales. Market penetration can be considered in broader terms, and be used as a way of identifying a wider consumer base. Penetration expands the influence of the product to new consumers and thus increases the sales and general proportion of the consumer market that the manufacturer controls. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-market-penetration.htm Market penetration seeks to achieve four main objectives: The market share of current products should be maintained, this will be achieved by a combination of competitive pricing strategies, advertising, sales promotion and perhaps Dominance of growth markets should be secured Competitors should be driving to restructure a mature market, promotion campaign should be more aggressive for the same pricing strategy should be designed to make difficult to the competitors Implemented loyalty scheme for the existing customers. 6Examples of Market Penetration Dell Recognizing the software as a service can be a potent market penetration tool, also assembling a services portfolio that now includes e-mail disaster recovery, spam/virus filtering and archiving via its Message one acquisition. Airlines Easyjet Airline market was by offering flights for the small distance cities. Southwest Airline same as Easyjet were more profitable on operating small distances Pakistan State Oil penetrates in Pakistan market growth from 40% to 65% in the duration of 4 years by developing new retail outlets. Car Manufacturing Toyota Motor Corporation is the worlds largest automobile manufacturer by sales and production. Toyota and BMW good relationship in marketing in order to retain and have high profile for their value customers. Toyota Motor Corporation is the largest conglomerates in the world. Toyota has grown to a large multinational corporation from where it started and expanded to different worldwide markets and countries. Banking HSBC Bank customers were very happy on internet banking that they can access their online account 24hrs a day wherever they are in the world. Telecommunication Airtel promoting its services to penetrate in the Indian market. It is the worlds fastest growing industry, they have couple of joint ventures with Alcatel in Indian, it is operates in 19 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. Airtel is the fifth largest telecom operator in the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_penetration 7Advantage and Disadvantage of Market Penetration Benefits One of the successful penetration is pricing strategy may lead to large sales volumes/market shares and therefore lower costs per unit. Penetration strategies are often used by businesses that need to use up spare resources. A penetration pricing strategy may also promote complimentary and captive products. The main product may be priced with a low mark-up to attract sales. Risk The most obvious potential disadvantage of market penetration is the likelihood of competing suppliers following suit by reducing their prices, May lead to a price war with a competitor with the same strategy The effects of economies of both scale and experience lead to lower production costs, which justify the use of penetration pricing strategies to gain market share Low pricing could be detrimental to the perceived brand value and to the company reputation. Another potential disadvantage is the impact of the reduced price on the image of the offering, particularly where buyers associate price with quality. http://tutor2u.net/business/marketing/pricing_strategy_penetration.asp 8MARKET DEVELOPMENT Market development is a marketing technique aimed at increasing a companys market in order to widen the customer base for the purpose of selling more products. This is an important aspect of helping a company grow. Small companies with limited marketing experience may turn to consultants for this, while experienced large companies have internal marketing departments that may be responsible for market development. It is an ongoing part of doing business for successful companies. Also will help to grow your market by understanding how your product is perceived in the marketplace and what areas of improvement are there. Using the Starbucks example This occurs when the market analyzing makes some sort of change, market development has occurred over the past couple of years as consumers are becoming more health conscience. Preferences are moving toward different types of teas/drinks and consumers are demanding more healthy alternatives. These factors have aided to market development, with different franchises popping up, such as Argo tea, which become direct competitors to Starbucks Benefits Another way would be to focus on the  technology base used to supply existing products and to identify other products needs, which customers might need to be produced using current facilities and know how. Here the organization tries to develop  new products or services and thereby makes similar existing products obsolete unlike product development strategy which extends an existing products life cycle. There could be radical innovations where the company tries to replace existing products or technologies in an industry. In the case of incremental innovations, the firm tries to put focus on new products or services that modify the existing ones. Apart from such radical innovations firms, also carry out incremental innovations to differentiate their products. One example, is Toyotas multi-utility vehicle Qualis. Although other Indian  companies had similar products, Toyota, more effectively combined the styling an engineering that resulted in increased demand for its product (a great hit compared) to Sumo, Disadvantages/Risks As per Ansoff framework of a Market Development strategy New Markets may be different then expected ( especially in new geographic market with cultural differences Costly modifications may be required Examples of Market Development Compact disc technology has virtually replaced long playing vinyl records in the recording industry, and high definition television is likely to replace regular television technology. McDonalds has couple of new markets in the wake of globalization with its existing products. This is because of the nature of the business and products, McDonald; implemented its burgers which helps the growth of the market. Nestle expanded the market for its product Milkmaid by advertising the new uses of the product aggressively in India. Chinese products developed new market for their product worldwide Toyotas multi-utility vehicle Qualis although there are same product in India, Toyota, more effectively combined the styling an engineering that resulted in increased demand for its product than Indian. Close Up toothpaste was first gel toothpaste which was transparent with a red distinctive colour, all others pastes were white. The market was dominated by Colgate which promised that it would fight tooth decay and bad breath.  Close up promised the dual benefit of being a toothpaste and mouthwash in one and thus delivered fresh breath and white teeth. 9PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT This is a new product to be marketed to our existing customers. Here we develop and innovate new product offerings to replace existing ones. Such products are then marketed to our existing customers. This often happens with the auto markets where existing models are updated or replaced and then marketed to existing customers. http://www.marketingteacher.com/lesson-store/lesson-ansoff.html Developing of new products and offering to the existing market is product development strategy which need capital and time to implement. The company has to do a market survey in detailed if it is feasible to introduce new product in the current market. Challenges Several things need to be checked in developing new products in the company this is including, Technology and Cost, by using latest technology the product performance or the quality of products will be on highest level of functionality although Cost will be challenge to the company in either buying the new equipments or conducting trainings. Benefits Company products will be extended by producing different variants, packaging in new ways. Service industries shorten time to market and improve customer service and quality. Risks Customers might be confused among the existed and developed products, if the analysis will not performed carefully, example is the new Coke, Customers liked the taste of the new Coke in the taste tests conducted by Coca Cola, customers of the brand favoured classic Coke over the new product. Another Examples of Market Development Google developed a new browser chrome for the existing internet user McDonalds is always within the fast food industry, but frequently markets new burgers 10DIVERSIFICATION STRATEGY Diversification is a form of corporate strategy for a company. It seeks to increase profitability through greater sales volume obtained from new products and new markets. Diversification can occur either at the business unit level or at the corporate level. Diversification is very important into related and unrelated areas. http://www.coursework4you.co.uk/essays-and-dissertations/ansoff-analysis.php Diversification related in the form of backward, forward, and horizontal integration. Concentric diversification This means that there is a technological similarity between the industries, which means that the firm is able to leverage its technical know-how to gain some advantage. For example, a company that manufactures industrial adhesives might decide to diversify into adhesives to be sold via retailers. The technology would be the same but the marketing effort would need to change. The company will focus to add more market share to launch a new product that helps the company earn more profit. An example technological related in concentric diversification is Tomato ketchup and sauce to the existing brand processed items of food specialties. Vertical diversification This is when the company is closer to the raw materials sources in production, in another words is backward vertical integration strategy. An example of Avons line on cosmetics business. Avon pursued a backward form of vertical integration by entering the production of cosmetics. Forward diversification occurs when Avon move closer to the consumer in term of production stages. Horizontal diversification, occurs when a company develops interests complementary to its current activities. For a company may integrate its activities to include all aspect of the value chain; design, manufacture, market and distribute. The company adds new products or services that are often technologically or commercially unrelated to current products but that may appeal to current customers. In a competitive environment, this form of diversification is desirable if the present customers are loyal to the current products and if the new products have a good quality and are well promoted and priced. For example, Avons move to market jewelry through its regular sales force involved marketing new products through existing channels of distribution. Conglomerate diversification (or lateral diversification) The company markets new products or services that have no technological or commercial synergies with current products but that may appeal to new groups of customers. The conglomerate diversification has very little relationship with the firms current business. Therefore, the main reasons of adopting such a strategy are first to improve the profitability and the flexibility of the company, and second to get a better reception in capital markets as the company gets bigger. Even if this strategy is very risky, it could also, if successful, provide increased growth and profitability. For example a company whose core business is media services may diversify into provision of financial services. Advantages of diversification strategy Control markets by guaranteeing sales and distribution. This can arise through a combination of linkages in the value chain. For example where production and distribution channels are combined, or where a company uses its well-established brand names or corporate identity to gain benefits in new markets Take advantage of existing expertise, knowledge and resources in the company when expanding into new activities. This may result in transfer of skills, such as research and development knowledge and sharing of resources. Provide better risk control through no longer being reliant on a single market Spread risk by avoiding having all eggs in one basket Disadvantages of diversification strategy Adding bureaucratic complexity. In addition to direct financial costs, there may additional bureaucratic complexities necessitated by the need to coordinate and control core activities with additional activities. Diversification through acquisition across national boundaries may result in the organisation having to deal with varying intricacies of the political and legal requirements of the different countries in which the organisation has controlling interests. Diversification also acquisition May result in failure where there is a mismatch between core competencies Adding management costs. Adding bureaucratic complexity. In addition to direct financial costs, there may additional bureaucratic complexities necessitated by the need to coordinate and control core activities with additional activities. Examples Virgin Media moved from music producing to travels and mobile phones Walt Disney moved from producing animated movies to theme park and vacation properties Canon diversified from a camera making company into producing whole new range of office equipment CONCLUSION It is true for the world investment and business to move from national and domestic markets to a worldwide environment. Globalisation eliminates all boundaries, causing firms to engage in business worldwide. Consequently firms have to deal with couple of challenges if the management strategies will not help them to make the correct choices and decisions. Strategic options related to products and services which a firm may offer in which markets are critical to the success of companies. The differences in strategic choices of the firm can often be attributed to the type of market in which the company operates. Changes in business environment play a crucial role in the strategic options that an organisation may pursue over its future development. There are risks associated with all of the four strategic options entailed in the Ansoff matrix. Market penetration is generally considered as a low risk strategy while diversification, on the other hand, is deemed as a high risk growth strateg y as it involves moving simultaneously into new products and new markets. Diversification remains a popular strategic option for firms in todays competitive business arena, and if the diversification strategy is consistent and well throughout, like the case of IBM, significant improvements in profitability can be experienced.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Host Chapter 20: Freed
Jeb let me cry myself out without interrupting. He didn't comment all through the following sniffles. It was only when I'd been completely silent for a good half hour that he spoke. â€Å"Still awake in there?†I didn't answer. I was too much in the habit of silence. â€Å"You want to come out here and stretch?†he offered. â€Å"My back is aching just thinking about that stupid hole.†Ironically, considering my week of maddening silence, I wasn't in the mood for company. But his offer wasn't one I could refuse. Before I could think about it, my hands were pulling me through the exit. Jeb was sitting with crossed legs on the mat. I watched him for some reaction as I shook out my arms and legs and rolled my shoulders, but he had his eyes closed. Like the time of Jamie's visit, he looked asleep. How long had it been since I'd seen Jamie? And how was he now? My already sore heart gave a painful little lurch. â€Å"Feel better?†Jeb asked, his eyes opening. I shrugged. â€Å"It's going to be okay, you know.†He grinned a wide, face-stretching grin. â€Å"That stuff I said to Jared†¦ Well, I won't say I lied, exactly, because it's all true if you look at it from a certain angle, but from another angle, it wasn't so much the truth as it was what he needed to hear.†I just stared; I didn't understand a word of what he was saying. â€Å"Anyway, Jared needs a break from this. Not from you, kid,†he added quickly, â€Å"but from the situation. He'll gain some perspective while he's away.†I wondered how he seemed to know exactly which words and phrases would cut at me. And, more than that, why should Jeb care if his words hurt me, or even if my back was aching and throbbing? His kindness toward me was frightening in its own way because it was incomprehensible. At least Jared's actions made sense. Kyle's and Ian's murder attempts, the doctor's cheerful eagerness to hurt me-these behaviors also were logical. Not kindness. What did Jeb want from me? â€Å"Don't look so glum,†Jeb urged. â€Å"There's a bright side to this. Jared was being real pigheaded about you, and now that he's temporarily out of the picture, it's bound to make things more comfortable.†My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to decide what he meant. â€Å"For example,†he went on. â€Å"This space here we usually use for storage. Now, when Jared and the guys get back, we're going to need someplace to put all the stuff they bring home with them. So we might as well find a new place for you now. Something a little bigger, maybe? Something with a bed?†He smiled again as he dangled the carrot in front of me. I waited for him to snatch it away, to tell me he was joking. Instead, his eyes-the color of faded blue jeans-became very, very gentle. Something about the expression in them brought the lump back to my throat. â€Å"You don't have to go back in that hole, honey. The worst part's over.†I found that I couldn't doubt the earnest look on his face. For the second time in an hour, I put my face in my hands and cried. He got to his feet and patted me awkwardly on the shoulder. He didn't seem comfortable with tears. â€Å"There, there,†he mumbled. I got control of myself more quickly this time. When I wiped the wet from my eyes and smiled tentatively at him, he nodded in approval. â€Å"That's a girl,†he said, patting me again. â€Å"Now, we'll have to hang out here until we're sure Jared's really gone and can't catch us.†He grinned conspiratorially. â€Å"Then we'll have some fun!†I remembered that his idea of fun was usually along the lines of an armed standoff. He chuckled at my expression. â€Å"Don't worry about it. While we're waiting, you might as well try to get some rest. I'll bet even that skinny mattress would feel pretty good to you right now.†I looked from his face to the mat on the floor and back. â€Å"Go on,†he said. â€Å"You look like you could use a good sleep. I'll keep watch over you.†Touched, new moisture in my eyes, I sank down on the mat and laid my head on the pillow. It was heavenly, despite Jeb's calling it thin. I stretched out to my full height, pointing my toes and reaching out with my fingers. I heard my joints popping. Then I let myself wilt into the mattress. It felt as if it were hugging me, erasing all the sore spots. I sighed. â€Å"Does me good to see that,†Jeb muttered. â€Å"It's like an itch you can't scratch, knowing someone is suffering under your own roof.†He eased himself to the floor a few yards away and started humming quietly. I was asleep before he'd finished the first bar. When I woke up, I knew that I'd been solidly asleep for a long time-a longer stretch than I'd slept since coming here. No pains, no frightening interruptions. I would have felt pretty good, except that waking on the pillow reminded me that Jared was gone. It still smelled like him. And in a good way, not the way I smelled. Back to just dreams. Melanie sighed forlornly. I remembered my dream only vaguely, but I knew it had featured Jared, as was usual when I was able to sleep deeply enough to dream. â€Å"Morning, kid,†Jeb said, sounding chipper. I peeled back my lids to look at him. Had he sat against the wall all night? He didn't look tired, but I suddenly felt guilty for monopolizing the better accommodations. â€Å"So the guys are long gone,†he said enthusiastically. â€Å"How 'bout a tour?†He stroked the gun slung through a strap at his waist with an unconscious gesture. My eyes opened wider, stared at him in disbelief. A tour? â€Å"Now, don't turn sissy on me. Nobody's going to bother you. And you'll need to be able to find your way around eventually.†He held out a hand to help me up. I took it automatically, my head spinning as I tried to process what he was saying. I would need to find my way around? Why? And what did he mean â€Å"eventually†? How long did he expect me to last? He pulled me to my feet and led me forward. I'd forgotten what it was like to move through the dark tunnels with a hand guiding me. It was so easy-walking barely took any concentration at all. â€Å"Let's see,†Jeb murmured. â€Å"Maybe the right wing first. Set up a decent place for you. Then the kitchens†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He went on planning his tour, continuing as we stepped through the narrow crevice into the bright tunnel that led to the even brighter big room. When the sound of voices reached us, I felt my mouth go dry. Jeb kept right on chatting at me, either missing or ignoring my terror. â€Å"I'll bet the carrots are sprouted today,†he was saying as he led me into the main plaza. The light blinded me, and I couldn't see who was there, but I could feel their eyes on me. The sudden silence was as ominous as ever. â€Å"Yep,†Jeb answered himself. â€Å"Now, I always think that looks real pretty. A nice spring green like that is a treat to see.†He stopped and held his hand out, inviting me to look. I squinted in the direction he gestured, but my eyes kept darting around the room as I waited for them to adjust. It took a moment, but then I saw what he was talking about. I also saw that there were maybe fifteen people here today, all of them regarding me with hostile eyes. But they were busy with something else, too. The wide, dark square that took up the center of the big cavern was no longer dark. Half of it was fuzzy with spring green, just as Jeb had said. It was pretty. And amazing. No wonder no one stood on this space. It was a garden. â€Å"Carrots?†I whispered. He answered at normal volume. â€Å"This half that's greening up. The other half is spinach. Should be up in a few days.†The people in the room had gone back to work, still peeking at me now and then but mostly concentrating on what they were doing. It was easy enough to understand their actions-and the big barrel on wheels, and the hoses-now that I recognized the garden. â€Å"Irrigating?†I whispered again. â€Å"That's right. Dries out pretty quick in this heat.†I nodded in agreement. It was still early, I guessed, but I was already sweaty. The heat from the intense radiance overhead was stifling in the caves. I tried to examine the ceiling again, but it was too bright to stare at. I tugged Jeb's sleeve and squinted up at the dazzling light. â€Å"How?†Jeb smiled, seeming thrilled with my curiosity. â€Å"Same way the magicians do it-with mirrors, kid. Hundreds of 'em. Took me long enough to get them all up there. It's nice to have extra hands around here when they need cleaning. See, there's only four small vents in the ceiling here, and that wasn't enough light for what I had in mind. What do you think of it?†He pulled his shoulders back, proud again. â€Å"Brilliant,†I whispered. â€Å"Astonishing.†Jeb grinned and nodded, enjoying my reaction. â€Å"Let's keep on,†he suggested. â€Å"Got a lot to do today.†He led me to a new tunnel, a wide, naturally shaped tube that ran off from the big cave. This was new territory. My muscles all locked up; I moved forward with stiff legs, unbending knees. Jeb patted my hand but otherwise ignored my nerves. â€Å"This is mostly sleeping quarters and some storage. The tubes are closer to the surface here, so it was easier to get some light.†He pointed up at a bright, slender crack in the tunnel ceiling overhead. It threw a hand-sized spot of white onto the floor. We reached a broad fork-not really a fork, because there were too many tines. It was an octopus-like branching of passageways. â€Å"Third from the left,†he said, and looked at me expectantly. â€Å"Third from the left?†I repeated. â€Å"That's right. Don't forget. It's easy to get lost around here, and that wouldn't be safe for you. Folks'd just as soon stab you as send you in the right direction.†I shuddered. â€Å"Thanks,†I muttered with quiet sarcasm. He laughed as if my answer had delighted him. â€Å"No point in ignoring the truth. Doesn't make it worse to have it said out loud.†It didn't make it better, either, but I didn't say that. I was beginning to enjoy myself just a little. It was so nice to have someone talk to me again. Jeb was, if nothing else, interesting company. â€Å"One, two, three,†he counted off, then he led me down the third hallway from the left. We started passing round entrances covered by a variety of makeshift doors. Some were curtained off with patterned sheets of fabric; others had big pieces of cardboard duct-taped together. One hole had two real doors-one red-painted wood, one gray metal-leaning over the opening. â€Å"Seven,†Jeb counted, and stopped in front of a smallish circle, the tallest point just a few inches higher than my head. This one protected its privacy with a pretty jade green screen-the kind that might divide the space in an elegant living room. There was a pattern of cherry blossoms embroidered across the silk. â€Å"This is the only space I can think of for now. The only one that's fitted up decent for human habitation. It will be empty for a few weeks, and we'll figure something better out for you by the time it's needed again.†He folded the screen aside, and a light that was brighter than that in the hallway greeted us. The room he revealed gave me a strange feeling of vertigo-probably because it was so much taller than it was wide. Standing inside it was like standing in a tower or a silo, not that I had ever been in such places, but those were the comparisons Melanie made. The ceiling, twice as high as the room was wide, was a maze of cracks. Like vines of light, the cracks circled around and almost met. This seemed dangerous to me-unstable. But Jeb showed no fear of cave-ins as he led me farther in. There was a double-sized mattress on the floor, with about a yard of space on three sides of it. The two pillows and two blankets twisted into two separate configurations on either half of the mattress made it look as if this room housed a couple. A thick wooden pole-something like a rake handle-was braced horizontally against the far wall at shoulder height with the ends lodged in two of the Swiss cheese holes in the rock. Over it were draped a handful of T-shirts and two pairs of jeans. A wooden stool was flush with the wall beside the makeshift clothes rack, and on the floor beneath it was a stack of worn paperback books. â€Å"Who?†I said to Jeb, whispering again. This space so obviously belonged to someone that I no longer felt like we were alone. â€Å"Just one of the guys out on the raid. Won't be back for a while. We'll find you something by then.†I didn't like it-not the room, but the idea of staying in it. The presence of the owner was strong despite the simple belongings. No matter who he was, he would not be happy to have me here. He would hate it. Jeb seemed to read my mind-or maybe the expression on my face was clear enough that he didn't have to. â€Å"Now, now,†he said. â€Å"Don't worry about that. This is my house, and this is just one of my many guest rooms. I say who is and isn't my guest. Right now, you are my guest, and I am offering you this room.†I still didn't like it, but I wasn't going to upset Jeb, either. I vowed that I would disturb nothing, if it meant sleeping on the floor. â€Å"Well, let's keep moving. Don't forget: third from the left, seventh in.†â€Å"Green screen,†I added. â€Å"Exactly.†Jeb took me back through the big garden room, around the perimeter to the opposite side, and through the biggest tunnel exit. When we passed the irrigators, they stiffened and turned, afraid to have me behind their backs. This tunnel was well lit, the bright crevices coming at intervals too regular to be natural. â€Å"We go even closer to the surface now. It gets drier, but it gets hotter, too.†I noticed that almost immediately. Instead of being steamed, we were now being baked. The air was less stuffy and stale. I could taste the desert dust. There were more voices ahead. I tried to steel myself against the inevitable reaction. If Jeb insisted on treating me like†¦ like a human, like a welcome guest, I was going to have to get used to this. No reason to let it make me nauseous over and over again. My stomach began an unhappy rolling anyway. â€Å"This way's the kitchen,†Jeb told me. At first I thought we were in another tunnel, one crowded with people. I pressed myself against the wall, trying to keep my distance. The kitchen was a long corridor with a high ceiling, higher than it was wide, like my new quarters. The light was bright and hot. Instead of thin crevices through deep rock, this place had huge open holes. â€Å"Can't cook in the daytime, of course. Smoke, you know. So we mainly use this as the mess hall until nightfall.†All conversation had come to an abrupt halt, so Jeb's words were clear for everyone to hear. I tried to hide behind him, but he kept walking farther in. We'd interrupted breakfast, or maybe it was lunch. The humans-almost twenty at a quick estimate-were very close here. It wasn't like the big cavern. I wanted to keep my eyes on the floor, but I couldn't stop them from flashing around the room. Just in case. I could feel my body tensing to run for it, though where I would run, I didn't know. Against both sides of the hallway, there were long piles of rock. Mostly rough, purple volcanic stone, with some lighter-colored substance-cement?-running between them, creating seams, holding them together. On top of these piles were different stones, browner in color, and flat. They were glued together with the light gray grout as well. The final product was a relatively even surface, like a counter or a table. It was clear that they were used for both. The humans sat on some, leaned on others. I recognized the bread rolls they held suspended between the table and their mouths, frozen with disbelief as they took in Jeb and his one-person tour. Some of them were familiar. Sharon, Maggie, and the doctor were the closest group to me. Melanie's cousin and aunt glared at Jeb furiously-I had an odd conviction that I could have stood on my head and bellowed songs out of Melanie's memory at the top of my lungs and they still would not have looked at me-but the doctor eyed me with a frank and almost friendly curiosity that made me feel cold deep inside my bones. At the back end of the hall-shaped room, I recognized the tall man with ink black hair and my heart stuttered. I'd thought Jared was supposed to take the hostile brothers with him to make Jeb's job of keeping me alive slightly easier. At least it was the younger one, Ian, who had belatedly developed a conscience-not quite as bad as leaving Kyle behind. That consolation did not slow my racing pulse, however. â€Å"Everybody full so quick?†Jeb asked loudly and sarcastically. â€Å"Lost our appetites,†Maggie muttered. â€Å"How 'bout you,†he said, turning to me. â€Å"You hungry?†A quiet groan went through our audience. I shook my head-a small but frantic motion. I didn't even know whether I was hungry, but I knew I couldn't eat in front of this crowd that would gladly have eaten me. â€Å"Well, I am,†Jeb grumbled. He walked down the aisle between the counters, but I did not follow. I couldn't stand the thought of being within easy reach of the rest. I stayed pressed against the wall where I stood. Only Sharon and Maggie watched him go to a big plastic bin on one counter and grab a roll. Everyone else watched me. I was certain that if I moved an inch, they would pounce. I tried not to breathe. â€Å"Well, let's just keep on movin',†Jeb suggested around a mouthful of bread as he ambled back to me. â€Å"Nobody seems able to concentrate on their lunch. Easily distracted, this set.†I was watching the humans for sudden movements, not really seeing their faces after that first moment when I recognized the few I could put names to. So it wasn't until Jamie stood up that I noticed him there. He was a head shorter than the adults beside him, but taller than the two smaller children who perched on the counter on his other side. He hopped lightly off his seat and followed behind Jeb. His expression was tight, compressed, like he was trying to solve a difficult equation in his head. He examined me through narrow eyes as he approached on Jeb's heels. Now I wasn't the only one in the room holding my breath. The others' gazes shifted back and forth between Melanie's brother and me. Oh, Jamie, Melanie thought. She hated the sad, adult expression on his face, and I probably hated it even more. She didn't feel as guilty as I did for putting it there. If only we could take it away. She sighed. It's too late. What could we do to make it better now? I didn't mean the question more than rhetorically, but I found myself searching for an answer, and Melanie searched, too. We found nothing in the brief second we had to consider the matter; there was nothing to be found, I was sure. But we both knew we would be searching again when we were done with this asinine tour and had a chance to think. If we lived that long. â€Å"Whatcha need, kid?†Jeb asked without looking at him. â€Å"Just wondering what you're doing,†Jamie answered, his voice striving for nonchalance and only just failing. Jeb stopped when he got to me and turned to look at Jamie. â€Å"Takin' her for a tour of the place. Just like I do for any newcomer.†There was another low grumble. â€Å"Can I come?†Jamie asked. I saw Sharon shake her head feverishly, her expression outraged. Jeb ignored her. â€Å"Doesn't bother me†¦ if you can mind your manners.†Jamie shrugged. â€Å"No problem.†I had to move then-to knot my fingers together in front of me. I wanted so badly to push Jamie's untidy hair out of his eyes and then leave my arm around his neck. Something that would not go over well, I was sure. â€Å"Let's go,†Jeb said to us both. He took us back out the way we had come. Jeb walked on one side of me, Jamie on the other. Jamie seemed to be trying to stare at the floor, but he kept glancing up at my face-just like I couldn't help glancing down at his. Whenever our eyes met, we looked away again quickly. We were about halfway down the big hall when I heard the quiet footsteps behind us. My reaction was instantaneous and unthinking. I skittered to one side of the tunnel, sweeping Jamie along with one arm so that I was between him and whatever was coming for me. â€Å"Hey!†he protested, but he did not knock my arm away. Jeb was just as quick. The gun twirled out of its strap with blinding speed. Ian and the doctor both raised their hands above their heads. â€Å"We can mind our manners, too,†the doctor said. It was hard to believe that this soft-spoken man with the friendly expression was the resident torturer; he was all the more terrifying to me because his exterior was so benign. A person would be on her guard on a dark and ominous night, a person would be ready. But on a clear, sunny day? How would she know to flee when she couldn't see any place for danger to hide? Jeb squinted at Ian, the barrel of the gun shifting to follow his gaze. â€Å"I don't mean any trouble, Jeb. I'll be just as mannerly as Doc.†â€Å"Fine,†Jeb said curtly, stowing his gun. â€Å"Just don't test me. I haven't shot anybody in a real long time, and I sort of miss the thrill of it.†I gasped. Everyone heard that and turned to see my horrified expression. The doctor was the first one to laugh, but even Jamie joined in briefly. â€Å"It's a joke,†Jamie whispered to me. His hand strayed from his side, almost as if he was reaching for mine, but he quickly shoved it into the pocket of his shorts. I let my arm-still stretched protectively in front of his body-drop, too. â€Å"Well, the day's wasting,†Jeb said, still a little surly. â€Å"You'll all have to keep up, 'cause I'm not waiting on you.†He stalked forward before he was done speaking.
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