Saturday, May 23, 2020
Mba 555 - Case Study Essay - 1716 Words
Reputation in Jeopardy Chapter 15 – Conflict and Negotiation Conflict can be defined as a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. Chapter 15 of our textbook, Organizational Behavior, discusses the concept of conflict in great deal, as well as identifies the process of negotiation as means to resolve conflict. Many of the topics covered in the chapter have a direct implication to the case study, Reputation in Jeopardy, and can be used to both analyze and provide insight into the possible future behavior of the characters in the study. The case can be broken down into three main questions: 1. What are the main†¦show more content†¦Amber is now caught in a very sticky situation because two conflicts have become intertwined. The most obvious is Lydia anger, and being that Lydia is a manager this issue could damage Amber’s reputation. Also, Amber is upset with her own boss Sarah for instigating the trouble with Lydia, but she feels she cannot tell Lydia the truth about Sarah because doing so would implicate her own boss and look like she is just trying to put the blame on someone else. Now the question is what should Amber do? How do the concepts of conflict relate to this case? Over the years, three different views on conflict have been proposed. The earliest approaches to conflict assumed that all conflict was bad and should be avoided; this was called the Traditional View. The second view, namely the Human Relations View, saw conflict as a natural occurrence, and that it was inevitable in any group, therefore it should be accepted. The third, and most recent view of conflict, it the Interactionist View, which states that conflict is an absolute necessity for a group to perform effectively. The interactionist view divides conflict into two categories, functional and dysfunctional. Functional conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance. These are usually task or process conflicts. Dysfunctional conflicts, however, hinder the group’sShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan1207 Words  | 5 PagesFast ‘n Fresh Premium Ice Cream Parlor 858 Success Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32211 904-555-1212(T)- 904-555-1211(F) Fast ‘n Fresh Ice Cream Fast ‘n Fresh- - good for you! 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